Not a date? (P. 3)

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Rocky Horror came to a close, and the tv flipped to the next movie, The Shining

"Yes!" Eddie fist pumped excitedly "I watched your movie and now you have to watch mine! This is perfect!" He said laughing excitedly.

You were laughing too as you nodded "movie night!" Looking over to flash him a smile

You excitedly started to watch, both of you whispering and making comments about the movie throughout (you were too high not to).

You were really enjoying spending time with Eddie, and as far as you could tell he was enjoying himself too.

The movie wrapped up and the tv went to static, Eddie got up to turn it off. You both sat on the couch for a while to ride out the rest of your highs, talking and laughing, pointing out likes and dislikes of the others movie just for fun. You couldn't help but smile looking into his soft eyes, and not to mention his smile was infectious. You wanted nothing more than to tell him how you felt, but you didn't want to ruin this friendship. Now that you have Eddie in your life, you don't want to lose him, he was truly someone special.

The high wore off and you began to yawn, it had been a long week and you were up pretty late.

"Gettin sleepy? Just say the word and you can go to bed" Eddie said softly, followed by a small reassuring smile.

"Eddie I'm not gonna take your bed, I'll be fine on the couch" you said, not wanting to make him uncomfortable in his own home.

"Nope nope not possible beds yours" he said crossing his arms and smirking at you.

"I don't want it! I don't wanna kick you out of your bed" You said crossing your arms back at him. Two can play this game.

"Then I guess no one gets the bed! Just gonna waste a perfectly good bed!" He said flailing his arms in a jokingly over dramatic way.

He realized you were seriously uncomfortable and softened his tone, looking into your eyes and setting his hand on your shoulder to comfort you.
"I mean this couch isn't comfy, I wouldn't do that to you. But I mean- like- I mean - I - I don't wanna make you uncomfortable or anything but..." he trailed off and you intently looked at him, impatiently awaiting him to share the rest of his thought

"Spit it out Eddie" you joked, trying to lighten the mood as you could see he was incredibly afraid of saying what was on his mind.

"Maybe we could share? I mean totally platonically ya know just two friends sharing a bed because we can stop fighting over the couch- you can have a whole side to yourself I won't get in your space- as long as that's okay with you again if you're uncomfortable we don't have to" he said avoiding your eyes.

You were secretly hoping this would come up ever since dustin came through on the walkie. These storms could not have come at a better time, this was working out perfectly. You smiled softly "yeah we can do that, totally platonic though" you joked with a laugh and he laughed and nodded in agreement

You wandered in and got into his bed, taking the side closer to the edge, leaving eddie the corner against the wall.

Eddie pulled his hellfire shirt off in order to crawl into bed for the night, and you couldn't stop yourself from staring. God he's so hot you thought to yourself.

"You alright?" He questioned. Shit he noticed.

"Yeah yeah didn't know you had a chest tat that's all" he nodded and held his hands under it to show it off to you, both of you laughing. 'Thank god we laughed that off' you thought, still unsure on where he stood as far as liking you went.

He laid down next to you in the bed, leaving a gap between the two of you. You and Eddie just laid there for a while, a little awkwardly not knowing what to do or say.

Suddenly a loud clap of thunder came making you jump yet again, you thought the storms were over but apparently they needed to have an encore of making you look like a scaredy-cat in front of the coolest person you knew.

"You gonna be okay sleeping through this??" Eddie asked softly

"Yeah yeah I should be" You said as another boom sounded causing you to jump, as if Mother Nature herself wanted to call you a liar.

"Goddamn it! I hate being scared of storms this is so embarrassing" You said quietly to yourself and before you could realize you had just spilled thoughts for no apparent reason (maybe too much time with Robin, you considered), Eddie had turned to face you.

"Hey hey don't be embarrassed, like I said earlier it's kinda adorable" he said softly smiling at you. This time he didn't look away or get embarrassed, which was a great sign in your eyes.

"If it's okay with you-" he started but then stopped

"Yes?" You questioned, praying to anything that would listen that he was about to say what you were wanting him to.

"Well like if it would make you feel better and less scared you can lay closer to me" he said, extending his arms and patting the spot directly next to him

You didn't say a word, just scooted into the open space and laid you head on his bare chest. His warm skin and the scent of pine and lingering electric oregano filled the space.

You were internally freaking out, but also felt an odd calm, almost like he fit perfectly into your space.

He wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on top of yours.

"Is this okay?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah, I think it's kinda nice" You said before backtracking, still nervous to completely let him know how you felt "ya know with the storm and all"

Eddie didn't respond except for a half hearted laugh

"Goodnight (y/n)" he sighed

"Goodnight eddie" you said quietly back

And with that he promptly passed out, and you drifted off to sleep listening to the storm, his light snoring, and his steady heartbeat.

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