The Deal

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{short and sweet cause I wrote it fighting my sleep meds 🫠}

You felt the damp and cool spring air against your face as you walked through the woods to meet Eddie. The two of you had been friends for a while now outside of school, and you tried to see each other at least once a week.

"(Y/n)" you hear from amongst the trees, and cut through them to see Eddie

"Hey hey" you said giving him a tight hug

Eddie immediately began to talk, telling you his weekly update. You nodded and reacted but didn't say much, you were deep in thought and very stressed.

You were pulled out of your thought because you could feel Eddie was staring at you "not to pry into your life but penny for your thoughts? You just seem off today"

You sighed and looked up at him "yeah yeah I'm fine it's just-"

He was just continuing to stare, his face softening, patiently awaiting you to keep going

"Ya know I hate my group at school right? Like, I can't fuckin stand them."

You sighed and shook your head, Eddie nodded
"Well I had to change to keep afloat in that stupid school. It's soul crushing. And I'm just— my little brother, he's going to be coming in next year and I—"

You stopped as you were holding back tears

"Hey, hey it's okay" Eddie reached over and set his hand on your knee to comfort you

"I just don't want him to have to do the same. He's an incredible kid and he's funny and he's smart and he's a total geek but in the best way and- I just- I don't want him to end up like me"

Eddie bent his head down so his eyes meet your
"Well first of all, even if you do hang out with preppy shitheads you're a good person (y/n), And second, who's your brother, what does he look like?"

You looked into his eyes, your vision still clouded by tears "his name is Dustin, here this is him" You pulled out the Polaroid of the two of you that you kept in your wallet; the one your mom took before he left for the snowball dance last winter. You have your arms wrapped around his shoulders in a hug from behind and you both have huge smiles.

Eddie smiled and laughed "I like his hair. Well here I'll make you a deal: you get him into high school and I promise I'll find him and get him into hellfire. I'll keep him safe"

And with that tears start rolling down your face

"He would adore you. He's such a good kid"

Eddie wipes your tears away, then pulls you into a tight hug and gives you a small kiss on the head

"I can't wait to meet him"

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