fifteen | partners in crime

Start from the beginning

Miss Foster said to her, "Well, you might as well have a scoop, since you'll never see it printed. This is the spark of life."

In turn, Penny asked her, "And what's that supposed to mean?"

Miss Foster told her, "Officially, the capsule attracts all the fat cells and flushes them away. Well, it certainly attracts them, that part's true. But it binds the fat together and galvanizes it to form a body."

Penny asked her, "Well, what do you mean, a body?"

In turn, Miss Foster said to her, "I am surprised you never asked about my name. I chose it well. Foster. As in 'foster mother'. And these are my children."

While Annabelle slightly turned her head in response to the noise that she just heard, Penny replied, "Are you kidding me? I don't... What the hell is that?"

While both Annabelle and the Doctor slowly raised their heads to get a better look at what was going on in the office, Miss Foster said, "Adipose." While the Doctor put the stethoscope back into his coat, Miss Foster said, "It's called an adipose, made out of living fat."

While Penny fidgeted around in her chair, she said, "I don't understand."

Miss Foster told her, "From ordinary human people."

And while Annabelle kept her gaze focused on the conversation that was going on between Penny and Miss Foster, the Doctor and a red-headed woman looked at each other with wide eyes before they started to mouth an entire conversation with one another.

It wasn't until Miss Foster had ceased her talking and was staring over at the door with her arms crossed over her chest that Annabelle slowly turned her head to see a woman that she'd never seen before had a thumb raised and pointed towards the woman's right and her tongue slightly poking out as if she was going to mouth something else, only to stop when Miss Foster had asked both the red-headed woman and the Doctor, "Are we interrupting you?"

Then both the Doctor and the red-headed woman quickly looked back at each other, and the Doctor was quick to nod his head towards his right, which resulted in the red-headed woman to start to run away from the door, shortly before Miss Foster pointed her finger and said, "Get her!"

As soon as the man with the gun had started to run towards the door, the Doctor had taken out his sonic screwdriver and pointed it at the door, shortly before Miss Foster and said, "And them!"

In response to Miss Foster's words, Annabelle only tilted her head to the side and let her veins come onto display at the exact same time that the Doctor had pointed his screwdriver high above himself, shortly before he took both himself and Annabelle back to the roof of the building.

* * *

With her arms crossed over her chest and her head tilted to the side, Annabelle watched as both the Doctor and the red-headed woman got onto the roof, while she heard the woman say, "'Cause I thought, 'How do you find the Doctor'? And then I just thought, 'Look for trouble, and then he'll turn up'. So I looked everywhere, you name it." While the Doctor pulled out his screwdriver and was quick to use it, the woman said, "UFO sightings, crop circles, sea monsters. I looked, I found them all.  And that song about the bees disappearing, I thought, 'I bet he's connected'. 'Cause the thing is, Doctor, I believe it all now. You opened my eyes to all those amazing things out there. I believe them all. Well, apart from that replica of the Titanic flying over Buckingham Palace on Christmas Day. I mean, that's got to be a hoax!"

It was then that the Doctor asked her, "What do you mean, the bees are disappearing?"

While the Doctor had started to climb up the ladder, the woman replied, "I don't know. That's what it says on the Internet. And on the same site, there was all these conspiracy theories about Adipose Industries, and I thought, 'Let's take a look'."

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