
Start from the beginning

The lab was hidden in the thick trees of the forest, but easy to get to. We saw the helicopter hovering above, probably broadcasting for the news.

Wilbur's POV

As we ran, I was determined to get there before the 'Dream Team' did, or at least get Fundy out before the place went boom.

Suddenly, the ground shook and smoke admitted above the trees. Then the delayed sound of the explosion was heard. If it wasn't for my little hope that Fundy was ok, I would've collapsed right then and there.

I weaved through the trees, and when I came to the clearing, I saw that half of the upstairs was collapsed, one of those rooms being Fundy's.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, shit!" I stood with my hands over my mouth, trying to think of what to do next. Crow landed on the ground next to Techno and I, putting his hand on my arm. "Don't fucking touch me!" I snapped, ripping my arm away from him.

I then sprinted to the front door, slamming it open. I booked it towards the staircase with Techno and Crow following. I jogged up the steps, nearly tripping. I went to push open the doors at the top of the steps, but the door was blocked with the fallen ceiling.

I pushed the door with all of my body weight. Techno and Crow helped once they arrived. Just as I thought I'd have to find another way up, the debris shifted just enough for me to squeeze through the doors. Me and only me. Crow's wings wouldn't fit, and Techno was too muscular.

"Find another way up!" I shouted to them.

I carefully yet swiftly stepped through the fallen ceiling and broken things. Half of the upstairs was completely gone. The sun shone through onto me.

I was about to where Fundy's room was still half way standing, when I felt someone grab me. The hand wasn't Techno's and it was too big to be Crow's. The person pulled me to the ground as I struggled to get away.

"I've got him! We're gonna be famous, boys!" The person yelled. I saw two people come around a corner. One wore black ripped jeans with fishnets underneath, black and white checkered vans, could goggles, and a blue crop top with a red and white rectangle in the middle that had the numbers "404." The other one; had a white crop top with a fire on it with a black, long sleeved shirt underneath. He wore a white bandana and the same bottoms and shoes as the other.

I couldn't see the person holding me down.

"Quit squirming, you're under arrest, I guess." He said, as if he'd never done this before.

I looked, seeing what seemed to be an arm poking out from under a piece of ceiling. The arm was small and pale. The arm was Fundy's. My first thought went to that he was dead, but then I saw his hand twitch.

"Fuckin' let go!" I pulled at the man holding me down from behind. "What's your real name, huh? Let's get this face mask off you." He pulled the mask off of my face, that I had completely forgotten was there.

"Let him go, Dream." Crow's voice said as he landed in the opening in the walls, sitting down Techno who he apparently carried up here. "Why? So you will remain number one? Face it, you're getting old. We're young. We can do this job better than you." The 'Dream' guy said.

My eyes were locked on Fundy's arm, and I stared to cry when it moved again.

"Why the hell are you crying?" Dream scoffed.

"T-Techno, get him out from under that!" I yelled, pointing in Fundy's direction with my foot. Techno turned, seeing Fundy's arm. "Oh, crap." He whispered.

He went over, pulling on the heavy roof with all of his strength. It barely moved.

I whipped my head back, head butting Dream with the back on my head, causing him to let go.

I scrambled to my feet, stumbling quickly to help Techno. I gripped the piece of roof, pulling up on it as well. Crow came over and did the same thing. After just a second or two, we were shoving the piece of ceiling off of Fundy, who laid unconscious. His legs were trapped under his fallen bookcase, his prosthetic broken.

I scooped Fundy up into my arms as Techno picked the bookshelf off of his legs. Fundy's face was covered in ash, and his ear was bleeding. Maybe the loud explosion did that.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." I choked out, letting myself cry. I sat on my knees with him against my chest as I rocked the two of us. I held the back of his head, letting my chin rest on top of his orange colored hair.

"Wake up, please." I whispered. I put my hand against his heart, feeling for its beat. It was there, but it was faint. "Please be ok, please, please, please."

Everything was so still. Nobody moved or talked. The wind didn't blow, the birds didn't sing. The world seemed to pause.

"Please, I can't loose you too." I whispered, barely audible to even myself.

Two small coughs sounded from slightly below me. I looked down, seeing Fundy half awake, squinting.

"Hey! Hey, Fundy, you feeling ok?" I asked, a huge smile of relief on my face. "You're home..! Did you get my medicine?" Fundy asked with a hoarse voice. I nodded, laughing as tears came down my face. "Yes, I got your medicine." I sniffed.

"H-Has it always been this bright in my room?" He asked. "No, buddy, it hasn't." I replied. "Why do I feel like there's smoke in my lungs?" He asked. "Because you're sick, bud." I said. He nodded.

He looked up at me with tired eyes.

"Why are you crying, papa?" He asked. I shook my head, a small laugh escaping my lips. Not a laugh of humor, a laugh of, you know, it's hard to explain. "I'm not- I'm not crying, my eyes are just watering." I gave him a smile.

"My good leg hurts." He frowned. "I know it does, just don't think about that right now." I replied, tucking some loose hairs behind his ear.

Fundy turned his head, seeing Techno.

"Hi, Mister Blade," He coughed, "What're you doing here?" He asked. "Just came to check on you, kiddo. Heard you have a pretty nasty cold." Techno replied. Fundy nodded. "I can't breathe through my nose." "I know, you'll be ok, though."

A few moments later, Fundy was asleep again. This time, though, with a regular heartbeat. I closed my eyes, holding him tight against my chest.

Words: 1,795

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