" noted"

" why are you answering me in a withdrawal state "

" atleast I am with you"

" no, this doesn't seem you"

" well....."

" I know you to be dominating"

" I can't say much, maybe I just want a lone time"

"  am i bordering you"

" quite"

" what do you mean quite, supposing it was sana, you wouldn't mind if she filled  your ears......."

" LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!!" I screamed which got her startled.

" hey drive me to the new house" I said to the driver. I called Ahmad and I was sure he had dropped her at home

" when we get there, go straight to your flat and see how things are going. I need to talk to sana briefly am I clear," I said firmly, I could see all the fear in her eyes. She was indeed startled. In few more minutes, the gate flung open and i stepped out but came back again

" for the record, I should never ever hear here name on your lips else, you will have me to contend with" I slammed the door and went into sana's flat. I walked straight to my sitting room. I was boiling in anger. I was furious.

" LAMI!!!" I .shouted and she appeared.

" where is sana"

" she's in her room"

" call her right away"

" yes sir" and she ran upstairs.


The moment we came back from the station, I went straight to the bathroom and cried. I couldn't cry in my room because rayha and hasina are getting settled.

" Sana open this door'" rayha called out but I didn't budge. I started throwing up.

" Sana" she continued to bang the  door so much that I had to wipe my face and step out.

" what is happening. Menene" she said being concerned, she moved me to the bed.
Hasina also joined.

" Sana I know I am not sisterly enough but please talk to me. Talk to us" we were all seated on the bed as they both continued to persuade me into talking. They were persistent. I couldn't hold on to it. I can't. I need to say something atleast give them a snippet

" I........have something to do with fahad....."

" meaning...... babe please don't speak in parables"

" is he hunting you. I mean ghost hunts right?....."

" how I wish he was ......"

" toh menene"

" there is more....... I..... I...." and he stomped furiously into the room.

"  leave us" he said. They walked out quietly

" how dare you intend to embarrass me"

" i........."

" I ask you, how dare you want to make a fool out of me? How many times have I told to shut your ichy mouth ."

" I was going to turn my self in" I said

" your self or us. How do you act so blind  not to remember I am your accomplice. What exactly is your problem."

" khalifa calm down"

"Don't bloody tell me to calm down. You were going to risk telling them coz you care less.
all of a sudden your mouth is ichy. If you know what's best for you and I, you better zip it or else......... this is just my caveat, you better adhere."

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