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It's was a normal afternoon, a group of friends were coming back from school. No-one has known what will happen when the sun goes down.
No-one of them could ever  guess.


"Tomorrow I'll show you my cool power!"-Said one of the boys.
He has a dark blonde-waffle hair and dark crimson-red sweater.

"I'm sure you do"- said the second boy.
He was the tallest of the trio, have a black hair and wear a suit.

"I'm hope you power will be better than ##### redstone powers"- said the last boy. He had a chocolate brown hair and a little plushie kitten in his hands.

"Ey! My powers are really useful! It's not my fault you two didn't understand it." - The black hair boy replied.

The other two started laughing soon joined by the last boy.

"Tomorrow will be great day!"- said the waffle hair boy.


And that's how they spend rest of the afternoon .
Laughing and joking together.
Talking about nothing and everything.
Enjoying eachothers company.

But nothing last forever ....

At the night of the day, the house of the waffle hair boy get destroyed.
No-one survived.

The other two boys... Found out what happened to their friend early next day at school.Everyone were talking about the catastrophe.
And that's how a  planned great normal day become a nightmare for the 10 years old boys.

After this day nothing was the same.

They trauma will say forever .

What's lost is lost.

You can't change the past,

But you always can change the future.


Hi it's my first book and I know it could have some mistakes.
So I'm sorry about that.
If you find some mistakes please tell me.

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