Chapter 14

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* Lexa's POV *

It's been a couple of days since Raven told me about my father's impressive murder idea for not getting caught by the police. My thought has been all over the place. Like how could my dad keep this from me? What would my life be like if I was introduced to the gang at a young age? What would I be if I was in the gang? Would I be a murderer? Would I have grown up here?

All of the thoughts went through my head but I hadn't been able to express them. I've had work and every little thing that has to go wrong in life about life. My life has been busy the last couple of days and I just need a break. It's a couple of weeks until spring break. That means school is almost over. I can't wait for this school year to end. It's been so hectic. Why did I choose to be a teacher of all things? I would have been a fucking doctor but no I had to be a teacher. I didn't think it would be this hard but if you think about it being a doctor would be harder. Fuck I should have been a fucking couch potato that got paid 20 an hour to taste-test chips for a living.

Another thing is that I haven't spoken to Raven as much. We go to bed cuddling but when I wake up she's up doing Raven things like cooking breakfast or working out. She even made me coffee one day that didn't taste as good as her cooking. It's okay tho at least she tried and that's all that matters. She's not much of a coffee person which I don't know how the fuck not. She wakes up at 4 or 5 o'clock every morning and does push-ups. How the fuck does she do that? I'm debating every morning on whether or not I should get out of bed and go to work. I love those kids but my bed is way more important.

But back to Raven, I have no clue what she's doing right now. It's Friday morning and I don't hear a single thing in my house. Usually, I hear something. I sit up and I look around. Raven's side of the bed is nicely made and our clothes are picked up off of the floor from the night before. I look over to the nightstand where my phone is and notice star bucks. No, she didn't. I grab it and it's still hot. Yes, she did. Oh, I love that girl so much. I slowly sip it as I look at my phone.

- - - text from Raven
Good morning my love today we have something important to go to for your father. I left you a cup of coffee from Starbucks on the nightstand (which you probably already found and drinking). I'll see you at school but I won't be home until I have to pick you up at 5 tonight I'm getting a new suit and shoes. Your mom helped me with your dress size so I already have your dress ready. It's in the closet and ready for you when you're ready for it, just make sure you are ready by 5. I love you and have a good morning and an even better one when I see you.
- your future baby daddy

Oh my god, this girl. I mean I wouldn't mind it.

I wonder what is going on tonight that is so important.

I've had this chapter made for about a month I was trying to find the right time to publish it. There's never a right time for anything so I have to publish it and give an announcement.

For the past couple of months, I found love. Who I fell in love with loved me back until she could no longer love me and lost feeling for everything. She is taking her time to heal and I'm going to do the same but that includes not creating more chapters for the time being. I might create them but not publish them for a bit. Just know this book isn't over and I appreciate all the support that everyone gives me to keep writing.

The next chapter will have gang and welder-related stuff in so don't think my book is a rip-off just yet. I promise the next chapter will be good. It will also be in Raven's POV so just a heads up.


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