Chapter 15

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*Raven's POV*

Today is the day everyone. No, I'm not going to propose to Lexa. Not saying I wouldn't like to because I would. I love her so much. But today is the day I get recognized as not only the gray wolf's daughter's girlfriend but also the person he's handing down his life's work to. I'm going to be the gang leader of THE Wolfs. This is such a big deal and I'm so nervous.

Right now I'm running around town just to kill time. I've bought a new suit for tonight and Lexa a dress. (Her mom helped with the size.) I keep imagining her in the dress and can't help but think about how beautiful she is. She's so fucking beautiful. I don't think you guys understood. She would win a beauty pageant with no makeup on while all in PJs and messy hair. That's how beautiful she is.

It's almost 6. Time is so slow. I need to do something to kill time and to make me on time to get around and to pick up Lexa. I was driving until I came to a stop at a welding place. It was somewhere you could just go and weld. I can't believe it. This has been here the whole time?? I need to be a member to just weld. I got out and walked up to the door. When I walked in there a person behind the desk right in front of the door.

"Hi, how may I help you?" He said.
" um yeah on the building it said pay so much and weld for free any day you want for a year?"
"Yes! Were you looking into taking beginners classes or just to weld?" He asks.
"Weld" he started to pull out papers and after they were all out he said to sign here and you guessed here. The papers basically said the place wasn't responsible for anything that happened to you. So if you cut your finger off with an Ironworker they are not reliable. After all that was done, I paid a total of $100 to weld and a $50,000 donation. You guys can do the quick maths.

The dude looked at me like I was crazy. I went out to my car and got my welding stuff so I didn't ruin any of my clothes. I walked in and went to the locker rooms. The dude gave me a locker number and a lock so I could keep my stuff in the locker room, so that was nice. I changed and made my way to where the welders were welding. I looked around and found an open booth. In the booth was a mig, stick, and Tig welder. (I'll show you guys what is the difference at the end of the chapter)

I put down my helmet and gloves before walking to where I'm supposed to get metal. After I had a five-gallon bucket halfway full of metal I carried it back to my booth. I put on my helmet but before that, I made sure I was on weld. (if you don't do that you could get welders burn from the bright light the welder gives off.) I turned on the mig welder before turning to my bucket of metal and grabbed to peace's of metal out of it. I put it as a tee joint and put it in an uphill position. Which is up and down. I then taced the joint to the pole connected to the table so that I didn't have to bend over. Of course, I pulled my hood down. After that was done I put on my gloves and started to weld. I welded for about 2 hours just feeling the sparks hit the back of my head and the feeling of the heat making me sweat. By this point, I was covered in sweat and grease from the metal. I started to clean everything up before making my way to the metal waste Ben. After that, I went to the locker room grabbed my stuff, and made my way out of the building.

I got my car and raced home to take a shower and get dressed in my new suit. I had already sent Lexa her dress this morning so I really hope she likes it. By now it was 8 o'clock so I ran out of my house and raced to Lexa's when I got there she was waiting at the door. I got out of the car ran up to her and held out my hand waiting for her to take it. She's super beautiful in the dress I picked out for her. I smiled and she smiled back while taking my hand. I led her to the car and opened the passenger car door for her. I ran to get on the driver's side. When I got in I put my hand on her thigh and raced to where her dad was hosting the gathering.

"Raven?" Lexa asked.
"Yes, my love?"
"Where are we going?"
"To that thing, I told you about that your dad was hosting." she looked a bit confused for a minute then realized what I was talking about. Her eyebrows raised, and her eyes and mouth opened wide. "Ohhhhhhh," she said slowly. That was the cutest thing I ever saw. I just squeezed her leg and kept driving. It took us about 10 minutes to reach a big house. It was humongous. There were lights everywhere and big glass windows. The doors were ginormous. Everything about this building was big. It screamed money. How rich was her dad? I looked over at Lexa and noticed she wasn't even looking at the building but me. I parked the car next to the house. When I was fully stopped Lexa spoke.

my mute studentNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ