chapter 3

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I wake up to a loud bang sound. I jumped up off the couch ran to the front door. There stood a very drunk person I called dad. Do you know what that means people?


Well it means that I better run before I get my ass beat again.

I ran up the stairs faster then the flash and into my room. I looked at my bed to see miss.gray sitting up and looking around. I put my fingers up to my mouth. Telling her to be quiet. I locked my door.

On my door I have extra locks just for this matter. I could hear my father walking up the stairs. He stopped at my door and knocked on it. 


I sighed and Walked over to miss.gray lifed her up walked over to my dresser,grabbed a pair of my gray sweets and a hoodie out of my closet. I walked to my baths room and gave her the cloths pointing at the shower and went out to to deal with my father. All I'm going to do Is knock him out.

I open the door and can you guess what I'm treated by? A fist. Right in the eye too. I looked at him right in the eye. All I could see is hatrad. That when I knew I couldn't wait just one more year. I had to get out of here now. And that just what I'm going to do. After miss.gray gets out of the shower and I pack.

My father tries to swing again but I catch it. Twist it and break my father's arm. He screams but I dont care anymore. He's hurt me to long for me to care. I punch him in the face until I know his knocked out. I picked him up and put him in his room.

I walked in my room to see miss.gray now coming out of the bathroom with a towel in hand and my cloths on. Wow she's so sexy in my cloths.

I think I stared to long because she started to shifted uncomfortable under my gaze. I looked away and walked to my dresser. Tacking out a pair of boxers,sports bra and shorts and headed into my bathroom but before I grabbed the dry erase marker and white board.

'If you hungry these pizza on the table but you may need to warm it up before eating it. Aslo stay in the living room until I get out. If you see any one walking around the house besides my then scream. Ok?'  And with that I got in the shower.

After 5 minutes of taking a shower I stepped out,dried off and changed into a the close I brought in the bathroom.

I walked downstairs and into the living room. I saw miss.gray sitting on the couch with a slice of pizza in hand  and  mouth wide open. I sat beside her on the couch with my white board.

She still had her mouth open with her pizza still in hand but her eyes where on my abs. She had drool going down the side of her mouth.

'You have drool going down the side of your mouth.' I wrote down and put it in front of my abs. I saw her turn bright red and turn her head, whip the drool off of the sided of her mouth and put her pizza in her mouth.

'I think I should get you home dont you think so?' I asked her. She nodded with a sad look in her eyes. I moved the white board from my abs and flexed. She started to blush. Oh my god. She's so cute.

"Hey raven why do you have a black eye?" She asked. I brought my hand up to my eye. That son of a bitch!

'Uh if I tell you can you keep it a secret. ' I asked. She nodded. Ok here goes nothing.

' well when my mom died  my dad started to beat me. At first it was just spankings if I did something wrong but that was before he got drunk. He would come home really really drunk. He would yank me out of my bed,yell at me and start to beat me up. He stopped after a while when he remembered what he did. Saying he dont know what had came over him, that he was sorry and he would never get drunk again But he didn't stop. he got drunk again and again and again.  I'd get beat again and again. I learned martial arts but never use them because it could kill him.

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