character 6

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*miss.gray POV*
I groaned as I lightly kiss raven and got up off of her.

"I'm going to go check who is at the door could you button up your pants and come down with me? In case some a teacher or someone is at the door." I asked. "Then later we can finish this ok?" I asked again. She nodded her head and started to button up her pants.

We walked down the steps and to the front door. God this person is unpleasant. Wait there's only one person like that. My sister is here. If my sister is here that means mom and dad are here. If mom and dad are here that mean they aren't leaving until like midnight. Which means we probably won't get to finish what I started.

I open the door to see a sassy little 13 year old kid that is also my sister,Emmy. I looked behind her and saw my parents and frowned. Then I heard a squirrel. I looked Elisabeth and she was looking at something behind me or someone,raven to be exact.

" mom why the unanounts visit you know I dont like that. " I said.

"Yeah about that we where in town and tought that we would stop and visit. And it was you sisters idea dont blame me,blame her." She said.

"Uhhh! I cant believe you would snitch on me like that mom! And your not noticing the whole picture. She's In just a t-shirt and some random person is behind her in just pants and a bra, loaded with tattoos and macuals. Do you know what this means?! Do you?!" My mom nodded her head and turned turn to my dad. She nodded again before turning to me.

"Yes sweetie I know what this means. Your sister,my baby, has released something." She said. "She released that she's not in love with that girl she called a girlfriend anymore. Are you cheating,my baby?" She asked. I looked at her.

"What no mom I'm not cheating. She broke up with me after a week of proposing to me and not to mention it was yesterday she broke up with me. And yes I realize I dont love her. I dont even remember why I started to date her anyway. She's nothing like Raven." I said. I turn to Raven and hug her. I felt me being pick up by Raven so I rapped my legs around her waist. She let my family in and closed the door. She then walked to were my parents where which was in the living room,and sat down. Still with me cling on to her.

"Raven what is your last name." Before Raven could move to get her phone I looked at my mom.

"Mom her last name is Black and she doesn't talk so she has to use her phone or white board." Mom looked shocked and looked at my dad and smiled.

Raven is a lot like my dad. Before my mom meet my dad,dad was like I said earlier cold. He didn't talk to no one. Well that was until mom came along that was when everything changed.

I got off raven and got her white board off of the coffee table,handed it to her then got back on her lap again.

"Raven how old are you? Oh where did you get all your tattoos from and why dont you speak." I looked at raven. She had a sad look on her face. I turned Emmy and glared at her. But the I felt raven move. She put me down on the couch then move over to Elizabeth with her white board.

' I'm 17 about to be 18 next month. ' she showed it to my parents and my mom looked at me and smiled. Oh yeah she's definitely going to talk to me now.

'For my tattoos I had a friend of mine do them. They costed a lot of money but they were worth it.' Raven wrote down. But I was to focus of her body. Then I saw something. I got up a Walked to raven. I look at it. It was on of her tattoos but it was somethings about it I had seen it before. Then I looked at my dad,he looked at he and smiled.

I motion him to come to me. He did. I whispered in his ear to take of his shirt. He looked at me weirdly but still took off his shirt. With all that tattoos my dad had I was just searching for something. Then I found it.

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