Chapter 7

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*raven POV*
Miss.gray and me is walking back to her house to talk to her dad. I have no clue what is about but I do know that it must be something important if they didn't want Emmy to hear about it.

You know what I still don't know why i call lexa miss.gray still. I mean she makes me feel things I haven't before. She makes my heart skip beats. Her touch is like fire. Her laugh is music to my ears.  All the little things she does makes me feel alive. Hell I've seen her in her bra and underwear with her hand down my pants feeling me, Well feeling jr. But I felt so good when she did that. Shes does stuff that I've never felt before.

Those feeling make me want to live again.

We walked into the living room of her house and sat on the couch where mr.gray and mrs.gray is not sitting and look at them to start to talk.

"Raven?" Asked miss.grary I mean lexa. Damn it I did it again. I turned to her and raised an eyebrow at her letting her know she has my attention. She blushed slighting before clearing her throat. "Um could you tell me what this tattoo on you back means,please?" Pointing to my lower back where a black werewolf is and around it has tally marks of how many people I've killed.

I frowned at it what she was pointing at. I grabbed my white board. Oh how do I tell her I kill people for a living and in a gang that her ex is in too. I sigh. Wait why did her father want to talk to me about? Was it my tattoo too? Oh God I'm so dead right now.

'What was your question mr.gray?'  I showed him it. He smiled.

"There is no need to call me that. Call me August,and for the question..." he stood up and turned around showing me his back. No fucking way. He has the same tattoo but a little different. His is of a gray wolf with a whole lot more tally marks then me.

No way his the gray wolf.

'Your the gray wolf?' I asked. He nodded his head.

"And your the black wolf. "He said. I looked at mrs.gray. she seemed ok with it and know what it was. I looked at mis.. uhhh I mean lexa and she looked so confused. Well I guess they didn't tell her what it means. Damn there is a lot of explaining to do.

I looked back to mr.gray. I looked at me back to the confused lexa and back to me.

"Do you want me to explain or you?" I chuckled a little bit and pointed at you. He chuckled to and turned to lexa. He took a deep breath in and slowly let it out before talking.

"Long long ago I was in the same position raven is today but a little different. We bother are cold to people we don't know and we both have a safe haven. Mine being your mother,hers being you."he paused,looked at me and smiled. "You don't know this but when I was in high school I got involved in a gang called the wolf's. Like everyone else in a gang I had a job and if i didnt do it properly and successful then my 'boss' would punish me or even kill me if he had too.

My job in the gang was their personal assisan meaning I killed people, Bad bad people. I was so good that I got my own personal name 'the gray wolf'. But by the time senior year came around I was the coldest and baddest person alive but I still had manners. People know how I was and was afraid of me but one person,miss.west the new teacher in town.

She was walking down the hallway the first day if school lost. I wasn't looking at where I was going and she wasn't either,We clided. Everything turned into slow motion,days started to get brighter, funer and shorter. Instead of boring dark long days, your mother made me feel stuff no body  show me before even my own mother and father.

Letter on in the year me and your mother got official and we made a diction that led to you. So your mother was pregnant with you,a new teacher at a school and I was in a gang killing people. I had to put a stop to it. So I did one last thing to get out of the gang business for life. It led me to be in a coma for 5 months.

A lot had changed. For one my girlfriend was 7 months pregnant,bearly sleept,and was being hit on by almost every boy around her. They though her being pregnant was even more sexy. So when I got out I killed the almighty king and became the king myself. Though I moved to California to live a better life only a few people know that I'm the leader of a gang.

I've know about the black wolf for a while now but never got to meet you or seen you picture. It an honor to meet you, black wolf." I was stunned about what had just been said. The gray wolf is my boss, I'm practically dating my boss's daughter who is my teacher.

Did I mention his my boss.

I stared at August surprised,shocked and mind blowed.

What did he say mrs.gray was a teacher?

I looked at lexa to see she looked like she was about to throw up. So I picked her up and ran to the bathroom and sat her on the floor by the toilet. She started to throw up. I tried to pull back her hair so she didn't get it dirty but she just pushed me way. I sighed I had to say something.

When she was done puking her guts out she sat back against a wall. She had tears coming down her face. I sighed again and opened my mouth trying to speak. The only thing that came out was squeaks and squats. That got her attention. She looked so  broken.

I cleared my throat and tried again. This time I was sussesful. With a small cracked voice I said my first words in the few years I started to speaking to the girl I'm falling in love with.

"I'm sorry" was all I said before I couldn't looked at her in the eyes ,I wiped the tears that fell from her face and walking out the room. Going to the room I stay at and start to pack a week worth of clothes and everything I needed then walked out the door before going to a hotel to stay for a week.

Lexa needs time to process things so I'm stay away from her for a while. I'll always wait for her no matter what.

I'll even die for her.

As long as she is safe.

I'll do anything.

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