chapter 4

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*miss.gray POV*
I thought my life was good. I was in love with my handsome girlfriend that asked me to marry her a week ago but I said to let me thank about it. Every thing was grate until that text and Raven Black.

Raven black that most handsomest girl I have ever seen. Evan more handsome then my ex. She even has more tattoos then my ex. I thought I was in love with Tay but Raven just proved that I wasn't. Tay doent even make me feel save like Raven does. Hell she doent even make sure im safe. Tay was probably with me for the money that I inherited from my grandfather.

But who the hell is Raven Black. Sure she doent talk, lived with an abusive father and the ice queen at her school but what did Tay and Dee mean by boss. I didn't know Tay had a job. Well I guess we all learned something new today.

One im not in love with Tay. Two I may have a crush on my student. Three Tay has a job with Dee and Raven?

I dont know but right now I'm sitting in my living room in my pj while my student is bring all of her stuff in my house to my guest room. All of this is confusing I'm going to take a nap.

I was wakin up to movement. I opened my eyes to see Raven picking up a blanket and waking over to me. She stops when she see my eyes are open. I look at what she is in. A bra and basketball shorts with long black Nike socks. You can see all her tattoos on her upper body. Her abs are toned. Why did I even date Tay?

cause you were blinded by her smooth talk or was it her always trying to hard to get with you or the flowers she brought you every time she came over with one of your friends.

Oh! shut up brain!

'Make me you stupid idiot!'

I'ma just block you out.

She didn't have abs or as much tattoos as I like. I sat up grabbed Ravens hand. She flinched a little but didn't move back. I guess I'm the only person that she likes to touch her. But that's not all that happen when I touched her hand.


My mom said that when she first meet my father he was cold. Everyone was afraid of him. She wasn't. She was in love with him. one day they crashed into each other walking down the hallway at their school. When my father helped her up sparks flew all throw out their body. At the end of everything they fell in love and had me. Then my ignoring little sister.

I looked at Raven, She looked confused. what was going on in her head? I layed down and her pulled down on me. Her face was in my boobs with her body In between my legs. She went to get up.

"Hey ,no stay, I want you to lay on me and sleep. Let me hold you. You hold me later today now it's my turn to hold you. Please just let me. You can use my boobs as a pillow. Just please let me do this." I said.

She looked at me trying to keep a cold hard face but soften when she looked in my pleading eyes.

My puppy dog eyes. Those got me every thing I wanted growing up from my dad.

She sighed. Standing up lifting the blanket she had put on me got under it and laying back down but not on my boobs like I wanted. She layed on my stomach.

I started to play with her hair until I knew she was a sleep. I closed my eyes and slowly entered dream world.


Why is my stomach wet? and why cant I move?

I open my eyes and looked down. I see a person crying on my stomach. Then memories come back.


Raven is the one that's is crying on my stomach but she's still asleep.

She must be having a nightmare.

I reach over on the stand next to the couch were on and switched on the light. I looking down at Raven she looks innocent when she sleeps. I looked at the clock on the wall. 1:00 in the morning.

I gently shook Raven awake. She open her eyes and looked up at me. I whipped her cheek. She sat up and looked at my stomach and wiped her tear and looked at her hands. I guess she doesn't cry a lot.

I sat up too and took off my shirt. Then layed back down again. She was still looking at the tears on her hand. So I gently grabbed her hands and pulled her back down again. This time I made sure her head was on my boobs.

"Raven it's ok to cry. Ok? Just go back to sleep. Everything is going to be fine. I'm here. Im not going anywhere." She lifted her head got on the hands and slowly brought up her her left hand holding out her pinky finger. I giggled a little but sit brought my pinky finger to her.

"God your so cute. Yes I pinky promise." After I said that she layed back down this time on my boobs. Hehe my boobs can be her pillow forever.  Our skin touching while we layed in silence with me lightly ticking her back.

Soon we both fell asleep with her on top of me with her face in my boobs. I really like her head there.

God I think I'm falling In love with her.

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