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The P.A. system clicked on, followed by the sound of xylophones. Autumn stopped the conversation she was having with her friends in history class, and everyone turned their attention to the announcement.

"Good morning, McKinley High," Sue's voice sounded through the speaker. "First of all, to those of you thoughtful enough to leave maternity gifts outside my office, both I and my unborn child thank you for the lackluster Cracker Barrel meat and cheese medleys, and I'm sure that my trash can will find them delicious. Now, it's time to announce this year's senior prom court nominees."

Juniper found herself holding her breath and reaching for Quinn's hand. She knew how important being prom queen was to her girlfriend, and this was her last shot before she graduated.

"Your choices for prom king are...Rick 'The Stick' Nelson. President Brittany S. Pierce..."

"What the hell?" Autumn frowned, her brows pulling together. She exchanged a confused look with Quinn, who just shrugged. "Hm. Well, fuck the patriarchy."

"And also Finn Hudson."

"I'm voting for Brittany," Juniper declared. "She's the only good candidate."

"And now on to the category we all really care about. Prom queen."

"Becky for prom queen 2012!" Another voice – most likely Becky – cheered.

"I did nominate her," Autumn nodded, chuckling.

"Why are you such a good person?" Juniper frowned.


"Autumn Graham."

The heads of everyone in the classroom turned to the head Cheerio, whose jaw was dropped in shock.

"Santana Lopez."

"I love you, Autumn, but there will be blood," Santana declared, playfully narrowing her eyes at her friend.

"And Quinn Fabray."

"Yes, bitch!" Juniper cheered, clapping.

"This is iconic," Santana smiled. "The whole Unholy Quartet being nominated for prom court? I couldn't think of a better way to end our senior year."

"Congratulations to all our nominees," Sue said.

The sound of xylophones clanking suddenly sounded through the P.A. system as someone – again, most likely Becky – pounded the musical instrument in a fit of anger.

"I was robbed, Coach!"


"Okay, a big congrats to all our prom nominees!"

The New Directions clapped and high-fived the club members nominated for prom king or queen.

"But, hey, listen up," Mr. Schue said. "We are all winners because Principal Figgins has asked New Directions to sing again this year!"

"Alright," Bailey said, motioning to the blonde cheerleader standing up at the front with them. "Brittany has an announcement."

"Hello, my fellow Americans," Brittany smiled. "The theme for this year's prom will be...drumroll Minis..." Maya and Ava played a drumroll in their laps, their feet tapping against the risers. "...dinosaurs."

"Sheer genius," Santana smiled.

"She should be our nation's president," Maya said as Ava nodded in agreement.

"I was inspired by the new girl, Joe, who reminds me of a cave woman," Brittany said as Joe frowned, his brows furrowing. "The refreshments will be berries, meat, and rain water. As you are no doubt aware, the US elections are riddled with corruption. Therefore, to keep the prom elections completely aboveboard, I have appointed Maya and Ava to count the ballots."

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