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"There has to be some kind of show choir competition committee we can complain to," Tina said as the New Directions filed into the choir room for that afternoon's practice.

"What are we complaining about?" Maya asked as she sat down next to Naomi.

"I dunno," the Cuban shrugged. She turned to Sugar beside her. "What are we complaining about?"

"I think the upperclassmen are mad that the Warblers are doing Michael Jackson for regionals," Sugar said.

"Ew," Naomi scrunched her nose in disgust. "He's my sleep paralysis demon."

"You don't have sleep paralysis, Nao," Sugar chuckled.

"But if I did, he'd be my demon."

"He's so scary looking," Ava said as she sat down next to her twin. "Adalynn showed me a picture once when I was six, and I'm still traumatized."

"They can have our Journey and our Dreamgirls, but pilfering my Michael? That's another level of not okay," Artie said as he wheeled into the choir room, shaking his finger.

"Why are you guys getting so worked up about this?" Juniper asked from where she sat in Quinn's lap. "There are way better singers out there than Michael."

"You did not just say that," Santana scoffed. "We are no longer on speaking terms."

"I'm not exactly comfortable having this conversation with Blaine in the room," Puck grumbled. "Clearly, once a Warbler, always a Warbler."

"Uh, what?" Blaine frowned.

"Dude, you told them what we were gonna do. You're like a modern day eggs benedict. He's on notice as far as I'm concerned."

"The fuck is a modern day eggs benedict?" Juniper frowned, her brows pulling together in confusion.

"We should all be on notice," Finn said. "I mean, next to Vocal Adrenaline, the Warblers are the best glee club in the state, and for a lot of us, this is our last shot at a championship."

"Nooooooo!" Naomi cried. She stood up and went over to where Autumn was sitting with Rachel. She sat down with her legs draped over her sister's legs, her arms wrapped around her neck and head resting on her shoulder. "I don't want you to leave, Auttie," she said, her voice breaking as tears filled her eyes.

"I don't wanna leave either, Nomi," Autumn whispered. She kissed her little sister's cheek and wrapped her arms around her waist. "But I can't stay here forever."

Naomi choked out a small sob and buried her face in the crook of Autumn's neck. The head cheerleader comfortingly rubbed her back, exchanging a sad look with Rachel.

"Way to go, Hudson," Sugar scoffed, her arms crossed as she glared at the quarterback. "You made my baby cry."

"Oooh, boy, you better runnnn," Juniper taunted, chuckling as she spotted Santana's eyes shooting daggers into the back of Finn's head. "Us Latina's stick together. You're gonna have all of Lima Heights on your ass."

"You can't make my sweet pollito cry and think you can get away with it, you wet sack of potatoes," Santana grumbled, eyes narrowing dangerously.

"Look, I'm just saying, that we should stop complaining about the Warblers and figure out how to beat them," Finn sighed.

"I couldn't have said it better myself, Finn," Mr. Schue said as he and Bailey walked into the choir room.

"Wowww, once again your obvious favoritism is shining through," Juniper said. "Shit like that didn't happen on the Troubletones."

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