Hold On To Sixteen

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"Sectionals is in our auditorium for the first time since the 1960s," Autumn said as she paced the length of the choir room. She frowned, her brows pulling together. "Damn, this school is old. No wonder it's so trashy."

"Isn't there any way that you could talk Naomi into coming back to the New Directions?" Artie asked. "And where's Finn?"

"That bastard got kicked out for being a dick to my friends," Autumn grumbled. "And Naomi's in the Troubletones now. As well as Quinn, Juni, Brittany, Santana, Ava...Fuck, we're screwed."

"Too much talking, not enough looking for songs for sectionals," Mr. Schue said as he flipped through sheet music. "We need to do something upbeat."

"Don't you think we maybe need to focus on the lack of performers instead?" Rachel asked.

"Rae's right," Autumn nodded. "We don't have enough members to compete, and right now, that's more important than making our set-list."

"At least the Cheerios can dance," Artie mumbled as he opened a bag of chips. He held the bag out to Autumn, who took a small handful. "We need star power."

"We need Sam Evans," Rachel declared.

"Sam?" Autumn frowned.

"Sam transferred," Mr. Schue said. "His whole family moved. We don't even know where he is."

"He's in Kentucky," Rachel said. "It's just across the border from Cincinnati."

"Rachel, I thought you said you were done stalking people?" Autumn sighed.

"It's not stalking. Even homeless people have Facebook," Rachel shrugged. "What do you say, Auts? You up for a road trip?"


Stevie frowned, exchanging a look with Naomi as Autumn made a bee-line for the front door with a backpack.

"Where are you going?" Stevie asked.

Autumn froze in her tracks, sighing as she turned to face her siblings. "I have to go out for a little while, but I'll be back later tonight," she said. "Naomi, you're in charge."

"Yes!" Naomi gasped, smirking as she turned to Stevie. "I order you to–"

"Wait a minute," Shiloah said as he walked up with Simon. "You're leaving us, The Terror Trio, alone with her?"

"Yeah, that's why I told Naomi she's in charge," Autumn hummed, nodding.

"No way," Simon scoffed. "We wanna come, too."

"No, Mom would kill me."

"She'll kill you when she finds out you left us alone for an entire day," Stevie scoffed, crossing his arms.

"And who's gonna tell her?" Autumn asked. She raised a brow as Naomi and the triplets exchanged a knowing look with each other. She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Anybody have to go to the bathroom?"

"Nope!" Naomi chirped as she followed the three redheads out the front door.

"Don't tell anyone, Bear-Bear," Autumn said as she eyed Naomi's teddy bear, which was watching her with judgy, beady eyes as she left the house. She locked the front door, groaning as she heard muffled shouting coming from the backseat of her car.

"Uh, Autumn...?" Rachel frowned, nodding to the four younger kids.

"I'm being blackmailed," Autumn mumbled as she buckled her seat belt. She turned around to her younger siblings, green eyes narrowing dangerously. They instantly stopped fighting. "You three," she said, motioning between her brothers. "Behave. If you're good, I'll get you McDonald's on the way back. Understand?"

𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 | r. berryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon