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The choir room was filled with chatter and laughter while the New Directions waited for that afternoon's meeting to start. Bailey was the first of their coaches to arrive, and Naomi ran up to her with a heart shaped card.

"Hi, Miss Bailey!" the sophomore chirped. "This is for you from me, Sugar, and Juniper," she said, handing her the card. "We were gonna make Mr. Schue one, but we don't like him."

"Thank you, sweetie," Bailey smiled, chuckling a little and accepting a hug from the petite brunette.

"Okay, everybody," Mr. Schue said, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention as he walked into the choir room. "Let's hear it for love. Your assignment for Valentine's week is to find and perform the world's greatest love songs. Now, regionals is next week, and we still need to raise $250 for costumes and hair spray."

"Oh, God, not another bake sale," Kurt begged.

"We've decided that we're going to use Valentine grams as a way to make the money," Bailey said. "If a student pays 10 dollars, then we'll sing a love song of their choice to their valentine."

"We will serenade each classroom–"

"We never said anything about singing to a classroom–"

"No!" the club shouted.

"Yes!" Rachel beamed.

"Last year, we went room-to-room Christmas caroling, and I got a shoe thrown at me," Naomi scoffed. "This is social suicide!"

"Don't worry, angel, I've got this one," Sugar whispered to her girlfriend before raising her hand. She took off her heart-shaped sunglasses when Bailey called on her. "Here's a spoonful of Sugar for you all. Don't sweat the small stuff. And it's all small stuff when you're rich."

"It is?" Ava frowned, exchanging a look with Maya as Sugar went up to their directors.

"No," the older twin said with a stern look. "Mom raised us to be humble."

"So, here you go," Sugar said, holding a wad of cash out towards Mr. Schue.

"She just carries hundreds of dollars with her?" Juniper frowned, her brows pulling together. "She should be careful. Someone could try and rob her."

"Juniper Willow, don't you dare," Quinn whispered harshly, elbowing her girlfriend, who raised her hands in mock surrender.

"I wouldn't...theoretically...but someone else might."

"Uh, Sugar, we can't take that," Mr. Schue shook his head.

"Take it!" Naomi yelled.

"My baby's face is too cute to be assaulted with shoes," Sugar stated, shaking the dollar bills in front of Mr. Schue.

"Okay," he sighed and took the money. "Everyone, give it up for Sugar for paying for our FinalNet and cumberbunds!"

"I love the sound of applause," Sugar breathed, smiling as everyone clapped for her. "Even if I have to buy them."

"My face is saved," Naomi sighed in relief. Autumn chuckled and patted her back.

"The fuck is a cumberbund?" Ava asked, her brows pulling together in confusion.

"It has 'cum' in it...Does that mean it's a sex thing?" Juniper asked.

"Juniper," Quinn warned, raising a brow.

"What's cum?" Maya asked.

"Nothing," Autumn quickly said as Quinn clapped a hand over Juniper's mouth. Autumn sent the Latina a stern look with a raised brow.

𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 | r. berryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang