"I mean, we might as well all just give up now, cause this whole thing is pointless," Juniper shrugged.

"Ava, tell your mom to quit stealing our members," Puck said, sending the petite blonde a glare.

"You leave my mom alone!" Ava snapped.

"Guys, enough!" Autumn raised her voice.

"Uh oh...that's her big sister voice," Naomi whispered, eyes wide.

"Fighting isn't going to get us anywhere," Autumn said as she stood up and looked over the club. "We can't be turning on each other like this. We're a family in here, and the only way we're gonna get anywhere is if we work together. I know losing Mercedes is hard, but now, more than ever, we need to be united."

"I agree," Blane spoke up. "I can only speak from my experience with the Warblers, but no show choir is just one person. It's a team. When we lost a Warbler, we just replaced him with another one."

"Which is easy when your waiting list has a waiting list," Finn scoffed. "Dude, I know you're a big deal at Dalton or whatever, but we don't wear blazers here. So, have a seat."

"Didn't Autumn just say something about us not turning on each other?" Blaine asked with a raised brow.

"Does anyone have any popcorn?" Juniper asked as she pulled out her phone to record the stare-down between Blaine and Finn.


Naomi was wandering the halls during 4th period. Her head was hurting from all the math involved in what they were studying in chemistry, and she needed a moment to catch her breath.

She didn't know who it was that decided it would be a good idea to add mathematics to science, and she wanted to send a big fuck you to them for making her life harder. She already struggled in math, and now she had to face the subject two times a day instead of just once.

She walked past an empty classroom, deciding to go in when she noticed a familiar face inside.

"Hi, Sugar," she greeted as she walked in.

"Huh?" Sugar frowned as she took her earbud out, sitting up on the desk she was previously laying on. "Oh, it's you. Uh..."


"Naomi," Sugar repeated, brown eyes looking the Cuban up and down. "So...uh, what do you want? I'm trying to catch up on The Kardashians."

"I just noticed you in here and thought I'd come say hi," Naomi said. "Is it okay if I sit?"

"Sure," Sugar shrugged, scooting over to make room on the desk for the smaller girl.

"So, how's Glee Club?" Naomi asked as she sat down next to Sugar. "Is Bailey as chill as she seems in interviews, or is she strict?"

"She's amazing," Sugar smiled. "She always has snacks, and she lets us call her by her first name. Well, except Maya, of course. She has to call her 'mom.' Were you thinking about joining?"

"My friend, Santana, wants me to," Naomi nodded.

"But you don't want to?"

"I do, but at the same time, I don't want my sister to be disappointed in me. I'm afraid I'll hurt her feelings if I join Bailey's group."

"Who's your sister?" Sugar asked.

"Autumn Graham."

"Autumn Graham?!" Sugar gasped. "As in head cheerleader Autumn Graham? That Autumn?"

"Yup," Naomi chuckled. "It's a funny story, actually. You see, we have the same dad, but different moms, and her family is totally different from mine. I'm Cuban-American, and I'm pretty sure she's part English. Maybe Irish. Her brother's are redheads."

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