"Let me get this straight."

Autumn hated this, and she knew that this was going to be the hardest part of the audition process.

"You can't make up your minds, so we have to audition again?" Mercedes asked, frowning deeply.

"In the biz, it's called a callback," Rachel said. "With such an iconic role as Maria, it can't appear as if they're just giving me the part."

"Rachel..." Autumn sighed, rubbing her temple.

"We'd like you both to come back on Thursday for the ultimate Maria-off," Artie said.

"Done," Rachel quickly agreed. "I can't speak for Mercedes, but I'll be singing the timeless Maria classic, I Feel Pretty."

"Actually, that's too easy, Rachel," Ms. Pillsbury said. "We've picked a song that we think has the potential to show off both of your talents in unexpected ways."

"'Out Here on My Own' from the seminal behind-the-scenes musical, Fame," Artie said as he and Autumn handed the two girls the sheet music.

"I know it," Rachel said, smiling smugly.

"I lived it," Mercedes said as the bell rang loudly overhead.


Sue walked into the teacher's lounge, a frown tugging on her lips when she saw Bailey staring glumly at the cup of coffee in her hands.

"Who hurt your feelings, and who do I have to shove down a flight of stairs?" Sue asked as she sat down across from the younger blonde.

"No pushing people down the stairs, Sue," Bailey chuckled as she sat up a little straighter, sighing as she ran a hand through her hair. "No one's joined the all-girl show choir, which means we won't have enough members for sectionals."

"What do you mean no one's joined?" Sue frowned. "Who wouldn't want to hang out with a pop star?"

"I mean, I remember what it was like when I went here," Bailey shrugged. "And if I was a student at this school again and I wanted to join a show choir, I'd probably join the New Directions." She took a sip of her coffee, chuckling sadly at the taste. "Adalynn would be disappointed that the coffee here still sucks."

"You miss her, huh?" Sue asked, smiling sympathetically.

"Yeah," Bailey nodded. "It's been hard on Ava, too. Adalynn calls as much as she can, but it's not the same as when we were seeing her everyday."

"What is she doing right now?"

"She's filming a movie in New York. Theo's with her, and she pulled a few strings to get him in the movie, too."

"That kid's going places. The twins are, too," Sue smiled. "How is it that you both gave birth to such talented children? Maya's a future head Cheerio if I ever saw one, Ava's a little drama queen, and Theo's following in his mom's footsteps."

"They grow up so fast," Bailey shook her head, placing a hand to her chest. "I still remember when Theo was little and the twins would play dress-up with him. They were always so sweet to him and allowed him to express both his feminine and masculine sides."

"Does he still paint his nails?" Sue asked with a chuckle.

"Oh, yeah," Bailey nodded, smiling. "He's also great at styling hair and planning outfits. He's only 9, but he definitely has a bright future ahead of him. All three of them do."

The bell rang, signaling the start of the school day.

"Well, good luck with your show choir, sweet Bailey," Sue said, giving the singer a hug as they stood up to leave. "Keep your chin up, kiddo. Someone's gonna join."

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