Chapter 19: Start of Interships

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(3rd pov.)( Next day in class)

"Okay now over the course of today and the next two days you will be picking which hero you will be doing your internship at. But befor that you must come up with hero names, which I will not be doing so-" Azawa was cut off from explaining as Midnight entered the room.

"I will be helping you pick your hero names." Midnight said. "You want to use something that both describes you and what kind of hero you want to be." Azawa then went into his sleeping bag

(Small time skip)(only doing Toga's, Izuku's, Izumi's, Katsumi's, and Shoka's names. rest are same as canon)

"Okay next up Yagi." Midnight said beckoning him to come up to show his name.

"Power Hero: All Telic." Izumi said. (A.N. do not kill me, if you have a better one let me know)

"Ify, but I'll take it. Next Katsumi." Midnight said.

"Explosion Hero: Ground Zero." Katsumi.

"Excepted. Shoka." Midnight said.

"Half and Half Hero: Frostburn." Shoka said.

"Nice girl! Next Derago." Midnight said.

"Dragon Hero: Sinder." Izuku said.

"Nice, Going back to you dragon roots. Now for Himiko." Midnight called out.

"The Blood Dragon Hero: Fangpier." Toga declared.

"Oh, getting inspiration from your original quirk and using Derago's whole dragon thing." Midnight said. (A.N. do to Toga's dragon awakening she can use the quirks of people she turns into, but has not really used it all that much do dose not know yet)

"Now that that is done you can pick which hero agency you go to." Azawa said coming out from his sleeping bag. "Chose wisely." Azawa then turned on the screen showing haw many request.

"What the-, how did Derago get four thousand.

"Usually it is more spread out but this year the every hero wants to get Derago." Azawa said as he passed out stacks of papers. "For those who did not requests you the school has a few places you can go. Now get to it." Azawa said the last part activating his quirk scaring them. Izuku took of the top ten, which were from the top ten heros, looked threw them and burned three of them.

"Aaa Derago why did you just burn three offers?" Kaminari asked.

"They we from my ex-parents and endeavor." Izuku said calmly getting many shocked faces from his class.

"I have been wondering who are your ex-parents?" Kirishima asked.

"Do you know who Izumi's parents are?" Izuku asked.

"No." Kirishima said.

"Well you we were twins, but my adaptive/ now biological father did a blood ritual to make me his son. As for my ex-family my parents were the Number-1 and 5 Heros, also known as All Might and Green Telec." Izuku said. The entire class just stared at him with dum expressions on their faces. "Hey Toga-chan where do you think you will be going?" Izuku asked like he said did not just drop a huge boom.

"I was thinking either Hawks and Ryuku. Where do you think you will go?" Toga asked back.

"Hawks, not only is he now the highest left in my list but he also has wings like us." Izuku said.

"Do you think he take us both on?" Toga asked.

"I do not see why no, I mean he should know we are cupel he also sent us both requests." Izuku replied. "If your nervous then we get Nezu to call and ask him."

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