Chapter 8: U.A. Entrance Exam

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3rd pov.

'Today is the day, the day my time at UA begins as long as I get in.' Izuku was thinking while packing his bag making sure he has everything. 'pens... check, launch check, uniform check; thankfully they put the holes in it for my wings; any thing I need... ah yes one of my sets of work out clothes. that should be it lets go.' Izuku took the train to get to UA because he did not feel like being harassed by heros. While he was walking he heard a certain group of people talking, they were his old friends and sister.

Once he was inside he went to his assigned seat and Ectoplasm came out.

"Ok every body you will have an hour and half to answer the questions once you are done or have a question come to me." Ectoplasm said and then proceeded to have his clones disperse the test sheets. To many they were having a hard time on the 30 questions but to Izuku they were easy. Izuku answered all the questions in 35 minutes. and then started to walk down to Ectoplasm.

"Do you have a question?" Ectoplasm asked

"No. Just here to turn over the test and get directions to the next room." Izuku stated nonchalantly.

"Are you sure." Ectoplasm asked taking the test and when he looked at it he saw all the answers were correct and the spelling mistakes.

"Ya pretty sure." Izuku said.

"Ok follow this clone." Ectoplasm said still shocked.

Izuku just nodded and fowled the clone. When he got to the room he was given a pamphlet and then pointed to his seat. When he got there he proceeded to read the pamphlet and waited. One hour and everything was set up so Present Mic started his presentation.

"There are three boats that give points they are the one pointer, the two pointer, and the three pointer. Ther----" Mic was suddenly interrupted by a sonic rip off.

"Sir it says in the pamphlet there are four robots. and you" He said pointing at Izuku, "Stop being so lad back. If you are not going to take this seriously then get out."

"Oh shout up if you read the pamphlet then you know what the last robot is, and you just interrupted Mic while he was starting to explain it." Izuku said slightly mad.

When Izuku finished that Ida sat down looking quite embarrassed and Mic continued on. "Ok thanks examine 1118. Now the last bot is worth zero points and is a big obstacle. now head off your city." With that Mic walked off and everybody wen to get ready. Izuku changed into his workout clothes.

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Izuku got off his bus and went to stand with everyone else

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Izuku got off his bus and went to stand with everyone else. The door then started to open and Izuku bolted off into the city.

"Hay they did not say go yet your gana get kicked." Random 1 said.

"What are you waiting for there is no countdown in a real fight!" Mic shouted.

Immediately everyone started running in but when they first got in all they saw was destroyed bots. 'This is easyer than I thought I wonder if there will be any that actually give me a challenge.' Izuku thought while destroying hitting the 120 point mark. After five minutes out of ten he had accumulated 179 villan points and decided to wait on a roof top.

(watching room)

"Well well well, this is an interesting batch this year wouldn't you say." Azawa said.

"Yes indeed that is. Some use speed, (shows Ida) some use strength, (shows Katsuki) and some use intelligence gathering, (shows Jiro); but the best use all three." Nezu said.

"Nezu who has the most points right now?" All might asked.

"Hmmm it seems that Izuku Derago dose with 179 points." Nezu says suspiciously.

"WHAT! Show him on the monitor." All Might demanded. The monitor then goes to Izuku standing on a roof top. Izuku turns his head to look at the camera and mouthed the words "Hello there father." No one but Nezu and Azawa saw and read his lips.

"I want him in my class." Azawa said shocking everyone even further.

"Well now lets see how he deals with this." Nezu said grinning like a mad man.

(Back to Izuku)

'Well I think that thoroughly freaked them out.' Izuku then started to fell the ground shake and looked to see people running away from the Zero pointer. Izuku then heard some one scream and looked to see Izumi trying to help a brown haired girl trapped under some ruble. 'Though I do not like her it will be fun to hit and I would save the other girl might as well do it' Izuku thought as he jumped from the rooftop. when he landed he ran right to Izumi and the unnamed girl. He picked up the ruble and told them to run while he dealt with the bot. Izuku preceded to get in front of the bot; he then jumped up wrapped his right arm in shadow sand punch the bot right in the face destroying it.

when he landed he asked a question. "Are you two hurt?"

"I think I spraned my ankle." the unknown girl said.

"I am just fine, and thank you for the assistance." Izumi said.

"Okay get her to recovering girl." Izuku then walked away.

"Can Izuku Derago and Toga Himiko please come to the head office." Mic said.

'Oh great, is this because of the videos. At least I get to see Toga.' Izuku thought while starting to walk to the head office. When Izuku got to the head office he could hear that people were all ready talking he also recognized the voice of two of the people he hatted most... All Might and Green Telec. He then opened the door; when he saw who was in the middle his heart stopped for a minute because there he saw Toga.

(997 words)

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