Chapter 9: Meeting

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3rd pov. (inside the room)

When they heard the door open they saw that Izuku was standing there, but it seemed that he was just frozen there with his eyes on one person Toga. They also noticed that the arm he opened the door with was just black with blue lightning marks. That was when time unfroze and Toga ran and jumped on to him, he did manage to hold her up there.

"I have missed so much the past years." Izuku said while holding he close, but All Might had to rounen the moment.

"Young Himiko step away from that man he is very dangerous." All Might said.

"Ya know I always wondered what type of person neglects there son, but now in the past 10 months you have called your son a villan. Stop calling my Izu that unless you want him to do what he did to you at the beach." Toga said venomously still with an arm around Izuku.

"What do you mean my son. That monster is not my son. My son was kind and nice that thing in front of me is not my son." All Might then proceed to charge Izuku who then unhooked his arm from around Toga and punched All Might right in the chest using around 8% of strength, but even that little sent him flying out the window into one of the nearby battle cities.

"Wow I thought he was stronger than that, I mean my old man is weak, but he could not even see that coming." Izuku said while trying to stifle a laugh.

"So I take it your are or was Izuku Yagi." Nezu asked.

"DO NOT CALL ME YAGI!!!" Izuku said and then calmed down, "Yes that was me, but I know go bye Izuku Derago."

"My baby boy please come home with me and your father, we have already found you a perfect wife." Inko said.

Before Izuku could retort back Tukauchi said, "I am afraid that is impossible because he already has a mate... isn't that right Mrs. Himiko." What he said shocked the room. Himiko just giggled and respawned.

"Yes, I am his mate the only one that can be with him." Toga said.

"Well then just another villan."Inko said as she started to use her powers to choke Toga but before she could complete it she was punched in the head and sent through several walls before she stopped unconscious.

"Ahh that felt real nice. Now are you ok Toga?" Izuku asked.

"Ya I am fine." Toga said before Izuku rapped his arm around her again.

"Now then what do you want." Izuku asked the principle who was just grinning while everyone else was on guard.

"Well I wanted to know who you are, but that has been answered. next question what is your quirk I can see it has to do with your arm and strength, and the wings during the exam, but we only saw the dragon for not this one." Nezu asked.

"Well when my adoptive father did a blood ritual to change my blood to his my body started changing, but it was not until a year after that did it fully manestfest." Izuku stated.

"So then are you the one that caused the nation wide storm on a perfectly clear day?" Nezu asked.

"Kinda, it was not on purpose just lost control of my powers." Izuku said again shocking every one.

"Well then what is your quirk?" Nezu asked again.

"Well it's not realy a quirk but you can call it that. It's name would be true dragon; basically I can turn into any dragon as long as I have had a lot of time in or near its type of power like water." Izuku said not minding the faces.

"W-well then what types of dragon forms do you currently have?" Nezu asked.

"That would be shadow and lightning." Izuku said.

"I want these two in my class, him because he has seen the world and her because she is probably she only thing that can calm him down." Azawa said.

"I will agree to that. Also can two of you get All Might and Green Telec to Recovery Girl,oh you two are dismissed." Nezu said. With that Izuku and Toga left the room.

"So what do you think of his power?" Nezu asked Tukauchi.

"I believe it is a good thing he wants to become a hero, but if his old family try to do anything to him or especially Toga he will kill them all." Tukauchi said.

"Yes I will have to agree. For now we should try and keep his old family in check." Nezu said.

"His old family? Why not them?" Mic asked.

"We have lee way with the Yagis but for those two we have non. If he wanted he probably could have kill All Might and Green Telec." Nezu respawned ending the meeting.

(to Toga and Izuku)

"Well that meeting was uneventful." Izuku said.

"Why didn't you try and find me after you returned?" Toga asked Izuku.

"Well ahh hmm-" Izuku was cut off.

"Do not know why?" Toga asked.

"Well I knew I was going to see you here so why find you when I can let you come to me." Izuku said nervously.

"Ok fine, but what do you wana do now...Izu-kun" Toga said.

"We should prroblly head to you house so I can see your parents... Toga-chan." Izuku said.

"Oh ya I know it is not really needed now but I love you Izu." Toga said shocking Izuku a little bit.

"I love you to Toga." Izuku said while going in for a kiss which Toga happily agreed to. They walked out of UA holding hand with sparks of electricity going around there hands.

(969 words)

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