Chapter 12: 2nd Day/Combat Training

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3rd pov.

It was the second day in class and every body was talking in groups besides Izuku and Toga, they were in the back left corner of the room next to the windows.

"So Izu what was your adaptive father like?" Toga asked Izuku.

"Well Zackaria was strict, wanting me to train and become the best hero I can be; but he was very caring. Even though he knew I would take his place as true dragon he encouraged it and did not try to keep the power to himself. He helped me through the after affects of the bullying and being away from you." Izuku said a bit sadly, but that moment had to be ruined by the tormenters: Izumi, Shoko, Katsumi, Shoto, and Katsuki coming over to them.

"So brother when are you going to come home?" Izumi asked sweetly.

"I have my own home so please do not bother me." Izuku said not looking at them.

"LISTEN TO YOUR SISTER YOU LIER AND FAKE!" Screamed Katsumi and Katsuki.

"No. All my sisters died a long time ago." Izuku said this time looking right at them.

"But I am right here and alive and well; so come home." Izumi said.

"I said NO! Leave it at that." Izuku said turning away from them.

"Oh I bet it is your girlfriend your dating she is nothing compared to my sister. so why don't we get rid of her." Shoto said starting to walk closer to Toga; but as soon as he said that he was sent flying across the room and Katsuki was being lifted off the ground with a hand around his throat.

"What... did... you... say?" Izuku asked in a demonic voice. "If you hurt on hair on her or her families head you will disappear permantaly. Is that clear."

"Y-yes i-it i-is." Katsuki coofed out.

"Okay that is enough Izuku put him down we kinda need him for the next part." Shota said as he walked in. With that Katsuki was drooped "Now then get to your seats, you have hero training."

"I am coming through the door like a normal person." All Might said open the door quite hard. With his appearance the whole class cheered except Izuku and Toga. All Might was some what shocked when he got a clear view of the room because 1. two people were not cheering and 2. Shoto was up against a wall unconscious.

"Honey that is not how people open doors." Green Telek said coming in after All Might.

"Why can't I have a better life" Izuku muttered quietly befor he let his head hit his desk with a very loud thud. Although he said it quietly the entire class heared it.

"Oh come on it is not that bad." Toga said consoling Izuku.

"Today we are going to be doing battle training, but for that you need to look the part." All Might said pressing a button on the wall allowing suit cases to come out from the wall. " Put on your costumes and meat us battle ground Beta. Oh and Derago stay for a moment."

With that everybody grabbed there case except Izuku and asked while Toga was grabbing the cases. " So what do you want?" Izuku asked.

"Well son your mother here made you your hero costume." All Might said gulping nervily at the glare he was getting from Izuku.

"I do not want it. DO NOT CALL ME SON AGAIN OR THERE WILL BE A BONFIRE!" Izuku said grabbing on to Toga and teleporting to in front of the changing rooms just as everyone every else came into view. "Oh grate now we do not get to change in private. Then again I might be able to create a wall or room of shadows." Izuku said.

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