Chapter 15: U.S.J.

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3rd pov. (next day a.k.a. U.S.J. day)

It the next day after the reporter break in, and every body was in class.

"Ok today class we are going to be going to the U.S.J. with class 1-B, their teacher, All Might, and one other teacher." Azawa said. "Get in to you hero costumes and meet me out side by the buses." He said as he walked out. Izuku garbed Toga and teleported to the changing rooms with the cases.

Once they were done, before anyone else got there, they teleported out to the buses scaring Azawa.

"You two need to stop doing that, you are going to someone a heart attack. Oh and Vlad you probly all ready know but these two are Izuku and Toga." Azawa said

"Nice to officially meat you two." Vlad said. "You know you Derago have caused a lot of trouble for the school in only what a weak."

"Ya I do my best. Also my I have permission to use my quirk in emergence cases." Izuku asked.

"Why?" Azawa asked.

"Lets call it my dragon instincts says there is going to be a problem." Izuku stated.

'Ok... I will allow it and thanks for letting me know." Azawa said. That is when every one else got there including class 1-B. "Ok all you problem children get on your buses so we can leave." Everyone got on.

(With Izuku)

"Hey Derago why do you have heterochronic eyes?" Tsuyu asked

"I do not really know. My guess is that it has to do with my powers that I have." Izuku respawned.

"Wait do you mean my eyes could look like yours?" Toga asked.

"It is possible, but because you have a quirk not directly related to dragon I think you might get a blood red eye and a blue eye though that is just speculation." Izuku said.

"I usually just state my mind Derago, so what is you connection to Himiko?" Tsuyu asked.

"Well by human terms we are betrothed/engaged, but by dragon standards we are mates...for life. If someone where to hurt I would literally go crazy until either she is all better or I kill the person. Now since she is not a hundred percent dragon she would not as crazy if I were hurt but she would still feel a strong desire to kill the person." Izuku answered shocking thee intier bus.

"So protect Himiko at all costs or you go skio mode got it." Kirishima said.

"Shut up, we are here. Get off." Azawa said. Every one then got off. As soon Izumi and Uraraka fangirled on 13.

"Well come to Unforeseen Simulation Joint." 13 explained as they were walking in. "Here we have simulate a multitude of disasters, though I have a cupule of things I need to say. My quirk, black hole, can be very useful, but very deadly. Some of you have dangerous quirks that need to be trained for rescuing so this is where we will practice."

"Who you even got fake villans." Kirishima said. Izuku nd Azawa made eye contact and they both knew that this was the feeling the Izuku got earlier.

"Stay back 13, Vlad protect the students, my and Izuku will deal with them." Azawa said.

"One second sir I can teleport them out of here." Izuku said.

"Then do it. You guys get help." Azawa said.

"Wait where is Toga." Izuku said panicking. He then turned around and saw the mist man with Toga.

"Shigaraki I got the girl." Kurogiri said. Izuku just bolted down summoning his syth and started going through the villans. He cut shoulder, arms, legs, chest and even grazed heads. No one could stop him. Some of the mutants got in front of him to be seen a second later with an appendage missing.

"Azawa get your student back he is putting himself at risk." Vlad said a bit degusted with the seen that was at the bottom of the stairs.

"I wish I could. When he was on the bus he said that if she is hurt he would lose all reason. Though it dose not look like he has lost his reason but that may be because she is only being held in place. If they were to hurt her then they would all be dead in a second. Even now he is only knocking them out or hospitalizing them. Oh get Nezu and the police here.' Azawa said.

"I see why he asked to be aloud to use his quirk. He literally can not get in trouble for doing this."Vlad said.

"He's cheating Kurogiri break her arm try and get him to stop." Shigaraki commanded. Kurogiri broke Toga's right arm. In that instance there was a scream but not of a girl but of a monster that has lost all reason. Izuku's scales covered his entire body, his figures became full claws, his right eye was a purple line, where as his left was a blue line, his teeth got sharper and more farel looking, and of course his crown appeared on his head. His crown was midnight black with deep purple and blue gems on it. Izuku also summoned another syth in his hand. From then on most people were losing limbs.

"What, cheater cheater cheater!!! noum kill him now." Shigaraki commanded the bird looking creature. Izuku did not see it coming and it punched him and sent him into the stair case. Izuku got back up and said.

"So that is the best you can do All For One, was this supposed to kill me or All Might. HAAHAHAHAAHA this thing could not every kill me." Izuku said in a deep demonic voice.

"Ah Azawa I think Derago has lost it now." Vlad said.

"There is nothing we can do, the students have escaped and 13 is get more pros and police all we can do is wait here and help him if needed." Azawa said

Izuku charged at the noum and slashed at it cutting off it's right arm, but the arm grew back immediately. So Izuku punched it in the brain with and electricity coated fist frying it brain killing it.

"What no that was supposed to kill All Might how did you kill it!" Shigaraki screamed. Izuku appeared in his face and punched him. The punch sent him flying, this caused Kurogiri to realese Toga to catch Shigaraki.

"Well will be back, for we are the League of Villans." Kurogiri said befor he teleported away. Izuku was bridal carrying Toga up to the entrance. That is when the police and pros got there.

"Fear not for I am here!" All Might but when he looked around all he say were badly injered villans and a one very mad Izuku that was trying to be calmed down by Azawa and Vlad.

"YOU ARE LATE. MR. NUMBER 1!" Izuku said walking past him to find Recovery Girl.

"What happened here?" Nezu asked.

"Izuku, Toga was injured and that caused his dragon mate instincts to act. It basically cause him to go into a kill all villans mode, though he did not kill them they are going to be hospitalized. Also he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen here so he asked permission to use his quirk in emergencies witch I did allow, so he will not be getting in trouble for this... masicur." Azawa said.

"Ok remind me not never let anyone hurt Toga. We will be having a meeting to discuse this and move up the construction of the dorms to sooner." Nezu said as he walked away.

(1272 words)

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