Chapter 14: 2nd Meeting/Class Elections

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3rd pov. (one hour after fight, with Nezu)

"Sir what are we going to do?" Vlad asked.

"Well, this is just getting more fun." Nezu said ignoring the question.

"Nezu what are you plaining?" Azawa asked him.

"Call Izuku and Toga in. This plan will effect the whole school but it is because of them." Nezu said confusing them. They just called them in. A few minutes later Izuku and Toga stepped out of a shadow startling some of the teachers.

"What do you want Nezu? And why are we needed here?" Izuku asked.

"Well I am thinking two things. One, what are you going to do about this press issue?"

"Well I was thinking going back to my home in the mountains and lightning traveling here or flying so no one can find me." Izuku said.

"Well then okay. Now a question in respons, one people will freak out if you disappear, and second what will do with Toga here. You two have been seen by a lot of people being very close together." Nezu said.

"Well I was thinking that with her parents permission to take her with me and trained her in her powers in our free time. As for the press let them freak out I only mean harm to villans of every kind." Izuku said.

"Well then. What powers dose Toga have. Now I do now the hierarchy of the dragon race, and that they were real, but not much else." Nezu said.

"Well when dragons get a mate, their mate will become immune to there mates power, but that is between dragons, not dragons and humans. My suspicion is that her body may adapt more dragon like fixtures like scales, horns, wings, and in this case be able to use my powers. All of these have been confirmed except wings." Izuku said shocking most people.

"Ok then now for my other Idea that I have been wanting to implement for a long time but did not have the right excuse is a dorm system." Nezu said.

"We or more I would be your excuse?" Izuku asked.

"Yes of course because of this I can or will give into one or two of your demands for a dorm room." Nezu said smirking.

"Well in that case with Toga's parents permission I want a room that we can share, is pass card locked, and has it own bathroom and kitchen." Izuku said with his own smirk.

"Agreed." Nezu said while shaking hand. Both were smirking scaring everybody in the room except Toga.

'I should never have aloud the meeting, as long as he dose not plot world domination we will be fine' one sleep depriver Azawa thought. "Oh Izuku you never told me why I can not erase your quirk thingy?"

"Well you just learned that I am a dragon. My quirk though, I did not have it for long aloud me to transform into a dragon. My father Zackaria was the last true dragon befor me. He did a blood adoption literally replacing all my DNA the was related to my ex-parents to his own blood there for making me a dragon and making my power inherented or a bloodline that can not be turned off or stolen while I am alive. So dose that answer your question?" Izuku explained.

"Yes and for that you get a sneak peak at we are doing tomorrow. We will be doing class president elections." Azawa said.

"Ok, and oh I will be lightning traveling to school to avoid the press so make sure there is a clear area in front of the school." Izuku said has he held hands with Toga and slipped into the shadows.

"Well that went better than I thought it would." Vlad said.

"You teachers will have to try and get parent permissions for the kids to got into dorms. And Azawa and Vlad make sure your classes are ready for the U.S.J. in two days. I believe that is all for now you may leave." Nezu said looking out the window smirking. "Oh and Azawa meet Izuku out side when he comes tomorrow."

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