3, 2, 1.

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TW: suicide, abduction, continuation of the ongoing case. Please reach out to someone if you're struggling.

Enjoy x

'Emily!' You shouted across the room. 'Emily, can you hear me?' Emily's eyes fluttered open and closed several times as she lifted her head. When she realised where she was, she tugged at the handcuffs behind her back.

'Y/n?' Emily said desperately, as she frantically looked at you across the room, and then at the team lined up beside her, their hands cuffed to metal beams too. Gradually, the team started to come to, each of them reacting the same as Emily as they did.

'Are you okay?' You asked Emily, your eyes darting along each of the team as you checked on them. Wood had cuffed you to the metal beam again and left you alone for a while, before one by one, he brought each member of the team in and lined them up on the opposite side of the room. They all seemed to have injuries that were dressed or stitched, but Wood didn't seem to have hurt them since.

'Are you?' Emily returned, looking you over to see how bad your wounds were.

'What happened?' JJ asked, as she tried to free her hands.

'I gassed you.' Wood responded, as he opened and shut the metal door behind him. 'Who knew some carbon monoxide in a building was enough to have you all sprawled out in the forest.' He walked closer to JJ now, putting his face right in hers. 'Aren't I good?' He hissed. JJ lunged at him, but the cuffs forced her back.

'What are you doing James?' Hotch asked, trying to figure out what his plan here was.

'Well...' he turned around and walked towards you, '...I just couldn't help but feel like watching your friend die over a television screen wasn't enough.' He replied, stopping right in front of you. He turned back to the team now. 'I thought I'd put on a live performance!' He announced.

'No... please. Don't do this.' You begged.

'Oh you've changed your tune!' Wood remarked, as he turned back to glance at you. 'Just earlier you were begging me to kill you.' You looked at the team, feeling ashamed that they'd seen it all unfold. 'What's the matter? Stage freight?' He asked, as he leant down to undo your cuffs, causing you to drop down to the floor with a thud.

'Don't do this.' Reid begged. Wood ignored him, walking circles around you as you crawled to the middle of the room trying to get to the team. He stopped in front of you, cutting you off. You looked up at him as he peered down at you with his hands behind his back.

'Now now now... we had a deal.' He said, bringing one of his hands into his pocket. 'You die, and I let your team go.'

'How do I know you're going to let them go?' You asked.

'Y/n, don't. Come on, we'll figure something out.' Rossi tried to reason with you.

'You'll just have to trust that I'm a man of my word.' He replied.

'Ignore him, y/n! There's no way he's letting us out of here now.' JJ chipped in.

'That's not enough.' You replied. 'She's right. There's no way you're going to let them go now.' Wood thought for a minute, before he offered a compromise.

'Okay...' he started, '...how about this?' He pulled out a gun from his pocket, and dropped it to the floor near his feet, only just out of your reach. Then he moved his other arm to the opposite pocket and held out another, pointing it at you. 'You put the gun to your head and count down. When I hear you get to 1, I'll shout out the location of this place into...' he pointed towards the table that was now in the corner of the room, '...that camera over there that I'm sure your technical analysist is watching right now. Then...' he turned his attention back to you, '...you'll pull the trigger.'

Your eyes scanned the gun in front of you, trying to analyse the different ways this could end.

'And if I don't?' You replied. 'If I don't pull the trigger. What then?'

'Ah...' Wood stood up straight now, walking over to the team. He walked past them all in the line slowly, surveying each one of them and eventually stopping at Emily. He turned to you, before pointing the gun at her head. 'If you don't pull the trigger immediately after I've shouted those words, you get to watch your team die.'

You watched Emily fighting to get free as the gun was pressed against her temple.

So I can't not pull the trigger. And I can't try and shoot Wood cause by the time I've held the gun up, Emily's gone. There's nothing else I can do here.

'What if you give the wrong location?' You asked. 'What if you lie so I kill myself and then you kill my team anyway?'

'Oh, honey!' Wood tilted his head to the side patronisingly. 'You're a profiler. What do you think I gain out of watching my victims kill themselves? I wasn't even there for the last one!'

You thought it over in your head. Until now, you'd thought he'd just got a kick out of wearing people down until they snapped. But he was right, he didn't even stick around to watch his last victim at the abandoned building you and the team responded to. He got security cameras on the outside of the building so he could watch the team at the scene instead.

'You like the aftermath.' You realised out loud. 'You like watching people grieve for a suicide you caused.' Wood was grinning now.

'Not just a pretty face.' Wood remarked, as he cocked the gun at Emily's head. 'So... what's it gonna be?' You looked down at the gun on the floor in front of you.

I don't have a choice. I have to do it.

'Y/n, don't!' Hotch shouted.

There isn't another way out of this for the team.

'Please, y/n. He's messing with you. Don't do it!' Reid pleaded.

You've wanted this for so long anyway. Now's you're chance.

'Y/n, PLEASE!' Emily's voice caused you to snap out of your head for a minute.

'Emily...' you replied sadly, about to start reasoning with her.

'No, sweetheart. Please don't do this. Please!' Emily begged. 'I love you.' Tears started forming in the corners of your eyes as you heard those words.

You thought back to how it felt to be with Emily. About all the feelings you'd developed for her over such a short time. Those words had felt like they'd taken forever to come, and now you were hearing them.

But it's too late now. At least I got to hear them once.

'I'm sorry, Emily.' Was all you could say. You reached out for the gun in front of you, dragging your body forwards so you could reach it, and scanning it as you brought it closer to you.

'NO Y/N, PLEASE!' Emily screamed, but you were too in your head now. You knew what you had to do. You put the gun to your temple and took a couple of deep breaths.

'DON'T Y/N!' Morgan shouted.

'STOP!' JJ followed.

'Y/N, JUST PUT IT DOWN!' Rossi called out.

You cocked the gun, before returning your fingers around the gun to grip it. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see the team's frantic worry.

'Y/N, DROP THE GUN!' Hotch ordered.

'Three...' you started, causing Wood's smile to grow.

'NO, NO, STOP Y/N!' Emily shouted.

'DON'T!' Morgan screamed. You swallowed your nerves back.

'Two...' you forced out.

'PLEASE Y/N, I LOVE YOU. PLEASE DON'T. WE CAN FIX THIS. PLEASE PUT THE GUN DOWN!' Emily tried to get your attention, as the rest of the group fought at their cuffs as they tried to get to you. You exhaled.

'One.' You said eventually.

'The Bluebell Forest, 2 miles South from the abandoned building. Underground.' Wood said, but kept his eyes firmly on you.

'NO, Y/N HE'S LYING!' Morgan screamed, as he realised the abandoned building they'd raided was nowhere near a Bluebell Forest. But as soon as Wood had finished talking, you pulled the trigger.

Don't let go - Emily Prentiss & y/nWhere stories live. Discover now