You look amazing

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TW: alcohol, eating disorders (predominantly bulimia, but briefly mentions restriction). Please don't read if you think it's going to trigger you, and please reach out for help if you're struggling with anything mentioned. You're loved, you're worthy, you're enough.

Bit of a longer one this time (3914 words)

Enjoy x

You spent the next few days on a case with the team. You made sure to time your eating appropriately for when Emily could watch you, but you knew you could escape afterwards to purge it.

It felt powerful, eating as much as you wanted and reassuring Emily's worries, all whilst losing double the weight you were from restricting. You'd started to feel a little weaker, but having this secret distraction from everything else in your head meant you had more time to focus on Emily, and you weren't about to lose that.

After you'd all returned home on the jet, you went out for drinks with the team. You popped home to change and to spend some quick one-on-one time with Emily, before booking your taxis a few minutes apart to arrive at different times.

When you got to the bar, you made your way over to the group. Everyone seemed so much more relaxed now they'd got a drink in their hand, compared to earlier when you'd landed back at the BAU.

'Heyyy.' You greeted everyone as you joined them.

'Hey, you.' Emily said, her acting on point as always.

'Y/n!' Penelope greeted you excitedly. She turned her back to you to tap on the bar impatiently. 'Excuse me, Mister Bartender man. This agent needs a drink!' Everyone laughed at her, whilst you mouthed the word 'sorry' to the bartender. He smiled in response and walked towards the group.

'What can I get you?' He asked, both hands on the bar as he leant over so you could hear him through the music.

'Umm...' you looked around him at their selection, '...double vodka Diet Coke, please.'

'Coming up!' He replied, pushing himself up off the bar and turning around to make your drink. You started to take your jacket off to reveal the tight cami Emily had picked out for you earlier.

'Wear this one.' She said, holding out one of your tops for you. You laughed in response.

'Why?' You asked, taking it from her and holding it out in front of you. You'd not worn that top for years.

'So I can sneak a glance at your cleavage when no one's looking.' She teased, letting her eyes linger over your chest.

As you were watching Emily trying her hardest not to make it obvious she was staring at your chest, you flung the jacket over the back of the chair next to you.

'Woah, y/n. Hot damn.' Morgan remarked, nodding his head and following Emily's trend of checking you out. You smiled embarrassingly in response. Everyone turned to look at you, all of them either smiling politely in your direction, or clearly looking you up and down.

'Take a picture guys, it'll last longer.' You joked, trying to turn the attention away from you. Everyone chuckled and started to divert their attention to their drinks.

'Hey, y/n.' JJ leant in the middle of the circle the group had made, prompting you to lean in as well to hear her. She put her hand up to the outside of her mouth whilst the other side met your ear. 'You've got to give me some tips on losing weight. You look amazing!' JJ said in your ear, enthusiastically.

Your face froze as JJ pulled away after she'd said it. You were lost for words. You knew from the scales that you were losing weight, but you couldn't really tell. You certainly didn't think it was noticeable. Everything had just become numbers by now, the way you looked was only a small part of it.

Don't let go - Emily Prentiss & y/nWhere stories live. Discover now