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With that one sentence, he bowed low and placed his crown on the floor

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With that one sentence, he bowed low and placed his crown on the floor. The audience seemed to explode; everyone seemed to be more furious than confused at Renjun's 'big plan'. Drawing in a long breath, he clambered down the stairs and made a run for it. He didn't know where he was going, he was just headed somewhere.

Without knowing what room he even entered, he brushed into one of the side rooms down the corridor. He halted. There was a girl on there preparing a plate of what seemed to be desserts. He recognised her almost immediately.

Renjun was a second away from breaking down. Running towards her, he wrapped an arm around her waist and dug his head within her neck. Her body slotted in perfectly with his as he held her from the back, taking in the sweet smell of lavenders.

"Renjun" She murmured, sensing his crashing emotions. Hannuri turned around in which Renjun crashed right into her embrace. His arms were so tight around her waist she could barely even breathe.

"Did it not go well?" She asked timidly, combing her fingers through his hair. He shook his head. She could also feel all his emotions through the soft fans of breaths against her neck. Tension, pathetic, defeat—it seemed to all wear him down.

"Father is going to lock me up after this I just know it" Renjun mumbled. He didn't want to leave her side even for a second. He felt so at home within her arms.

"What happened?" She tried asking with the softest tone possible.

"I told them...everyone...that I wasn't going to become King anymore" Renjun sighed "I don't want you to suffer the consequences of falling into this horrendous family even if you do marry me. Please, I don't want you to be crushed"

It felt as though Renjun had made this decision ages ago, like he knew he was never fit enough for a King. Like he knew he had to protect her with every ounce his body. Like he knew he wanted to love her but without a crown on his head.

Hannuri could feel tears prick her eyes as her grasped tightened around him too. Both of them knew the dire consequences of Renjun's choices, but he had finally made a choice for himself. She knew that every little thing that Renjun does was for her. She was the glittering jem in his cave of a heart.

"So what happens now?" She asked

"I don't know"

You could say he was impulsive for making such a decision, and irresponsible for letting down an entire kingdom of people, but Renjun was barely an adult trying to keep himself upright. The word King held heavy weight.

"Maybe one day, this'll all just be stories, you know? Don't worry too much Renjun, you did the right thing"

"Maybe one day, this'll all just be stories, you know?  Don't worry too much Renjun, you did the right thing"

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It had been oddly quiet within the mansion. Renjun hadn't seen his father since the ceremony and he had just been wandering around the mansion aimlessly. No maids or servants or butlers had approached him, just the chefs to ask what he wanted to eat or whether he even wanted to eat. Renjun found this so unnerving that he soon resorted to staying at the garden where he found Hannuri. Both of them had decided that denial is the best acceptance. Perhaps if they ignored the elephant in the room long enough, it'll just disappear.

"Nothings happened to you, right?" Renjun asked, scanning her body and up and down. He was paranoid that his father might've done something to Hannuri which explains his fathers silence.

"No no, calm down" Hannuri chuckled "You're too uptight"

"It's too weird that my father simply hasn't said anything"

Hannuri shrugged "He's probably just trying to calm the public. Everyone knows that your people have already gone into full panic mode"

"They're not my people anymore" Renjun sighed, head hanging down. It wasn't that he didn't want to or didn't have the power to protect and take care of his kingdom, it was just that he was barely 22 doing a 40 year olds job. His youth was already spent on trying to hold up more responsibility than he can handle. Other people went out to drink with their friends at 22, Renjun had to raise a whole kingdom at 22.

Hannuri wrapped her arms around him and his head naturally fell into the crook of her neck.He fluttered his eyes shut, fingers grasping at her clothing. Hannuri slowly combed her fingers through his hair, her nails undoing the knots. Neither spoke and they just stayed like this for a while.

Delicate petals of the nearby cherry blossom tree showered upon them as Renjun lifted his head to appreciate such beauty. He had a slight gloss in his eyes but still a faint smile along his lips. His hands were still around Hannuri's waist, afraid that she would just disappear. He had never truly had any close friends and Hannuri meant more to him than anyone in the world.

"I need to go back inside to check-" Hannuri felt her body get jerked closer to him, his grip around her waist tensing. Gasping, her nose touched his, their eyes connecting to one and another.

"I love you" Renjun murmured "I have never loved anyone as much as I've loved you"

"Renjun" She spoke his name but didn't know what to say afterwards. She loved him too, so much to the point she simply didn't know how to express any of it in words.

"Please" Renjun eyes flickered downwards "Please stay with me"

This time, it was Hannuri that connected the kiss. Renjun's body swayed back for a moment, only for him to push forwards as his palms hit the floor, his other hand cupping her face. They moulded so well together, this lips moving in a synchronised rhythm. It was as if all their love simply could not be expressed in sentences. It was being expressed in this one simple kiss.

Renjun's lips left hers to trail down to her neck as she moved to his lap. Her hand that was previously around his neck trailed down to his chest, her grip tightening around his shirt. She squeezed her eyes shut, feeling his body yearning to be closer to hers.

Suddenly, she saw someone standing in the corridor, a shocked expression littered across their face.

"Renjun" She whacked Renjun across the back to tell him to stop but he seemed to be still stuck in his trance. She buried her hand downwards as the embarrassment drowned her.

"Renjun calm the fuck down the maid is there" She whispered through clenched teeth. Renjun's eyes widened as she got off his lap. Both of them stared at each other, but ultimately let a chuckle through at this more than embarrassing moment.

Hannuri stood up, quickly running over to the maid and pushing her through the door. Renjun smiled, watching the two girls leave. Not before noticing the small red patch along her neck. Renjun looked up to the sky.

He knew he would protect her even if it costs him everything.

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