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"Hannuri" Renjun shook his head "The world of royalty is not something you want to get into

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"Hannuri" Renjun shook his head "The world of royalty is not something you want to get into. Trust me. We do such immoral things because we have the power. I don't want you to fall in this hole that will destroy you. My father will destroy. Our people will destroy you"

"Then let it destroy me Renjun"

His name sounded so alluring from her tongue. The two delved into silence. They simply stared at each other, both their hands by their sides. Not a single pin drop could be heard. Her heart raced as she felt the tension begin to rise. She could see Renjun's eyes visibly trembling, as if analysing her face. She has fallen so helplessly in love with a man she simply couldn't love, yet this kind of love was what she yearned for. She hated her conventional life but she loved the Prince of the kingdom.

"Are you sure" His voice was soft and soothing, his footsteps taking him closer and closer to her. She flickered her eyes from his lips to his irises briefly. She couldn't control herself. His body was right in front of hers now. He had leant over her, his hand hitting the window ledge and caging her within his arms.

"Destruction isn't that scary" She murmured, one of her hands lightly resting upon his chest.

As they gazed into each other's eyes, their hearts beat faster with the anticipation of what was to come. They knew the risks they were taking, but they couldn't resist the pull of their love for each other.

"I had controlled myself so well for months" Renjun chuckled, his eyes glued to her lips. That one sentence made her entire stomach burst.

Slowly, they leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender and passionate kiss. For a moment, everything else melted away. They were the only two people in the world, lost in the embrace of their love.

In his kiss, I feel at home

She thought. His lips moulded so gently with hers with little excess hunger. She could tell by his touch just how desperate he was to finally get a taste of her. She felt the same way. They longed for each other. Her hands naturally climbed it's way up to his hair, her fingers lightly combing the back of his head. He gasped, momentarily.

"I don't think you should be doing that" Renjun murmured, his eyes barely even open "I'd lose it"

Renjun felt her lips curl into a smirk. That gave him the answer to continue. He angled his head so he could taste more of her kiss, cupping her face in his hands.

They held each other tightly, breathing in the scent of each other's skin, and feeling the warmth of their bodies. It was a moment they would never forget, a memory that would sustain them through the trials that lay ahead.

She caught Renjun's fingers when she could feel his hand slowly move up her back.

"Yah" She muttered with a playful tone "What are you doing"

"I don't think you have any right to ask that question when your hand has been stabbing itself into the back of my neck-"

She clammed a hand over his mouth "You ruined the moment"

He pried her hand off "You were asking for-"

Footsteps resounding outside the doorway. Hannuri's eyes widened as Renjun cursed rather loudly.

"It's my father. Hide somewhere- I don't know" Renjun grabbed her shoulder and basically shoved her behind the curtains. The door creaked open. Renjun spun around in shock, making a horrible attempt at covering up his nervousness.

"Father" Renjun nodded, taking slow steps away from the curtains. Hannuri held her breath in, praying to dear god that his father would ignore the weird lump behind his curtains.

"You missed your speech last time" Anyone could tell his fathers voice was on the verge of snapping "For a girl? Hilarious"

"Don't" Renjun clenched his teeth "I don't want to fight with you again"

"Huang Renjun, let me remind you again, you're the heir to the throne. You're going to take over a kingdom. What would the people think if they knew you would choose a mere peasant girl over your own kingdom? You're getting brainwashed by her"

Renjun tried to hide a scoff. He couldn't believe this cold man in front of him was his father. His father had never loved him and it has been showing more than ever recently.

"You have a ceremony coming up. Do the speech. Announce your plans for the future. If you don't come I'll cut off your allowance. Don't test me" His father demanded. Hannuri, behind the curtains, placed her hand against the window to stabilise herself. This caused the window to creak openly slightly, a soft gasp flying out of her mouth.

"Renjun" His father asked, clear confusion in his voice. Renjun began coughing to cover it up.

"Choked on my saliva" Renjun continued to bang his hand against his chest. Hannuri cursed in her head, slowly retracing her hand to be held close to her own chest. She didn't even want to imagine what would happen if the King found out that she was hiding in Renjun's room

The King squinted his eyes on him.

"Who is that" The King slowly stepped towards the window, his eyes squinting, suspecting Renjun. Renjun walked back, slowly placing his hands against the window ledge so he could subtly pull the curtain securely around her.

"What do you mean" Renjun asked. It was rather unlucky that he was a bad liar.

His father placed a hand on the curtains. Panicked, Renjun grabbed his own fathers hand, ripping it away from the curtains he was very obviously shielding.

"The ceremony, I'll do it tomorrow" Renjun blurted. He wished he thought before he talked.

"Oh?" His father, who was shocked at his voluntary proposal, asked, dropping his hands.

"You need to go back. You have a meeting, remember" Renjun laughed sheepishly. His father finally gave in and left. Renjun let our a huge sigh of relief, pulling the curtains away from him so that he was met with a pair of round, brown eyes.

"Choked on your saliva?" Hannuri wanted to laugh at how lame of an excuse that was.

"Yeah yeah" Renjun's mind was elsewhere. He didn't even let her speak before his arm automatically wrapped around her waist and she was pushed up against the window once again.

"What are you doing..." Hannuri knew what he was doing, but she was caught off guard at his hunger.

"Finishing what we started" Renjun muttered "Make back the time my father wasted just then"


His lips was on hers again, like a lion that has found his prey. His fingers curled up against the cool glass of the window, his heart beating erratically against his chest. He had wanted so badly to do this ages ago. When he finally got what he wanted, it would be beyond hard for him to let go.

Little did they know, someone watched from outside as the two shared a passionate kiss. Perhaps the window wasn't the best choice when it came to secrecy.

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