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"I swear I parked it here" Renjun exclaimed

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"I swear I parked it here" Renjun exclaimed. The day was nearing to an end and Renjun has apparently lost their only form of transport.

"Will someone come looking for you if they notice you're missing?" Hannuri asked, clearly trying to think of ways to not get stuck in the middle of a meadow.

"I didn't tell them I was coming here!"

"You what?!" Hannuri stared at him square in the eyes.

"They wouldn't let me come here if I told them." Renjun replied sheepishly.

"We'll walk back to the village, my house is there. It's too dark to look for your car. We'll look for it tomorrow morning" Hannuri sighed, pushing Renjun to start walking. The two started their slow trek towards Hannuri's home. Their minds were both busy, thinking about what ifs and different possibilities. Renjun and Hannuri were so different in social status. The fact that they were treating each other as mere friends was a miracle in itself. The Prince and the peasant. How funny.

Hannuri pushed open the shed door. A little girl jumped up, her eyes twinkling under the moonlight that spilt into the room.

"Hanyuri" Hannuri beamed, taking her sister into her embrace. Renjun carefully stepped in, scrunching his nose up at the foul smell.

"Oh stop being such a prince. If you can't handle the smell, go away" Hannuri rolled her eyes, pulling him down to introduce him to her sister.

Hannuri began making gestures with her hands as Renjun looked at her in confusion

"You've met him before. But this is Prince Renjun" Hannuri nudged Renjun at the mention of his name. Renjun waved small.

"He's handsome" Hanyuri giggled

"Renjun, do this" Hannuri grabbed his hand "Put your hand on your forehead close to your ear and move it outwards and away from your body". He gulped at the touch of her hand against his.

"This means Hi" Hannuri explained. Renjun repeated the action, smiling lightly at the little girl.

"Why are you back home today? Has the fruit stall owners not been treating you well?" Hannuri signed.

Hanyuri frantically shook her head, then pulled out her art pad signalling that she wanted to come back and draw. Soon, their conversation ended as Hanyuri slipped off back to the fruit stall owners house. This house had been left empty ever since both the sisters have left.

Hannuri crouched down, starting the fire. A small spark ignited, like glow worms that came out of their home. Hannuri formed an o with her mouth, blowing against the flames. It grew slowly, warming the room. Renjun noticed how her hair fell to her front, dangerously close to the fire. Reaching forward, his finger scraped against her ear, holding her hair back for her. At the physical affection, Hannuri turned to look at him. Both their hearts, as if connected, pounded faster.

Cinderella's Masquerade | Huang RenjunWhere stories live. Discover now