Part 2: Dong!

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Ding! Dong!

The doorbell rang and The Writer already knew who it was. The Writer figured that his neighbor probably just needed someone to talk to but his neighbor doesn't understand proper social cues.

On the bright side, The Writer wasn't so paranoid anymore but was a little agitated. He opens the door and doesn't say a word. As soon as the door opened, the neighbor said, "Hey, I forgot to tell you that I read on the news that people are turning into alligators from the food that they eat and I think that they're out to get me..."

The Writer is flabbergasted by what his neighbor just said but his feelings are masked by the blank and silent expression on his face. In the moment of silence, The Writer stares at his neighbor's worried face, he thought that his neighbor was pulling a prank on him. The Writer breaks the silence by asking his neighbor, "Are you serious?"

The Neighbor responded, "Yes, and I'm worried that they're out to get me."

"There are no alligators that are out to get you.", The Writer quickly replied.

"There are! And I can hear them crawling inside my ceiling..."

The Writer was beginning to understand why his neighbor kept coming upstairs. He figured that maybe his footsteps were waking up his neighbor. The neighbor probably heard The Writer get up to pour himself a cup of coffee and mistook it for "alligators." The sooner The Writer could clear this up, the sooner he can get back to his work.

"It's probably my footsteps that are making the noises. What you probably heard was me walking to get something from the kitchen." said The Writer.

"Ooh!" The neighbor's face lit up as they said it, "You have some really loud footsteps," the neighbor said jokingly.

"The Writer laughed awkwardly. "I guess I do, I'll be heading to bed so you won't have to worry about anymore noises."

"I'm relieved, now I can rest without worry!"

"That's good. Well, have a goodnight."

"Thanks, you to..."


"Please don't come back.", he thought to himself as he locks his door. Instead of heading back to the table to continue typing, The Writer had to go to the bathroom relieve himself. He's had one too many cups of coffee. When he entered the bathroom, he opens the lid of the toilet and starts urinating. With his eyes closed, he tilts his head back as he feels the relief of the 4 cups of coffee leaving his body.

Ding! Dong!

"Oh shit!", The Writer is trying to control himself as he's spraying his urine all over the toilet seat, the floor, and on himself. Now he's pissed! When he finished getting himself together, he marched towards his door, unlocks it, and opens it all the way but he didn't see his neighbor.

He stuck his head out into the hallway to see if he would see his neighbor but there was no sign of them. He entered the hallway and decided to wait where he stands just in case the neighbor decides to show themselves again. He checked his phone to see what time it was.

4:07 AM

He placed his phone back into his pocket and looked towards the end of the hall, hoping that the neighbor would show up so that he could give them a piece of his mind.

...He waited, and as time passed, he checked his phone for the time again.

4:09 AM

He had waited in the halls for two minutes but the neighbor hasn't shown up. It appears that the neighbor won't be coming back anymore. The Writer went back inside and walked back into the bathroom to clean himself up. He starts by washing his hands, as he's washing up, he begins to chuckle after thinking about everything that just transpired a few minutes ago.

Ding! Dong!

After hearing the doorbell, The Writer who was once chuckling had an instant change of mood. He quickly stopped what he was doing and rushes to his door. He doesn't even turn off the foset, he just marched toward his door, quickly unlocks it, and swings it wide open. He doesn't see the neighbor so he entered the hallway, he looks to his left and sees his neighbor walking towards the staircase.

The Writer shouts, "HEY! YOU!"

The neighbor turns around...

With an aggressive tone, The Writer tells his neighbor, "Can you do yourself a favor and stop ringing my doorbell, I'm trying to get some work done and my sister is sleeping..."

"I'm sorry but the alligators..."

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THE ALLIGATORS! I WANT YOU STOP RINGING ON MY FUCKING DOORBELL, THE NEXT TIME YOU RING I'M GONNA CALL THE COPS!" The Writer was so loud that he could have woken up all the neighbors on his floor.

The neighbor didn't say a word as they stood there with a shocked expression on their face. They turned towards the staircase and fled to wherever they came from. The Writer looked at his neighbor's back as they walked away and had guilt swelling from within him. He couldn't believe that he let his impulses get the better of him but he felt as if his neighbor left him no choice. He went back inside, locked the door, and walked back into the bathroom. He had to freshen up and clean up the mess he made, he started by turning on the faucet and grabbing the towel that was hanging on the shower pole right next to him and then...

Ding! Dong!

The doorbell rang again...

End of Part 2 : 00 AM

4:00 AMWhere stories live. Discover now