The Beginning Of The Storm - Part Five

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"Last month Siren forces attacked Singapore and Jakarta. Last month Siren forces, burned New York to the ground. Last week Siren forces attacked Tokyo again. Last week Siren forces attacked Manila again. Last week Siren Forces attacked Hong Kong and Shanghai. Last week Siren forces landed in Bangkok. Last week Siren forces attacked Mumbai and Kolkata. Last morning, Siren forces landed in Brittany. Last night Siren forces bombed Cape Town. And this morning, Siren forces took Boston and are now pushing onto Jersey City. The Siren forces have evidently launched attacks on all of Earth.

With this insurmountable evidence, I thus declare that the Battle of Earth has begun. Upon this battle depends the survival of human civilization. All of Earth is about to be bathed in blood as the Sirens unleash their whole fury upon us. It is thus the duty of every man and woman, of every member of humanity, to answer the call to arms. Failure and defeat is not an option. All that awaits in that path is the end of humanity. And we will not allow such fate to befall our world. We shall thus brace ourselves for our darkest hours. For the defense of Earth."

- President George Hall's "For The Defense Of Earth" speech.

Wichita, Kansas, United States of America

Mike Alvarez

"I WANT YOU FOR US ARMY." Those posters of Uncle Sam in the streets of Philadelphia would have been quite out of place if the situation was not that way. It was not the First World War, nor is it the Second World War. But goddamn was it the Third World War now, or the Siren War, or whatever. And damn, was it quite fitting.

Up north, we would hear the distant sounds of battle in Trenton. Much of the US army was fighting there for weeks, and each day, truckloads of dead and wounded passed through the roads of Philadelphia.

Fortifications, from sandbags to bunkers expanded in the city with each passing hour. The military would forcibly take over civilian buildings and turn them into mini fortresses. One of the convenience stores near the street I live was commandeered by these marines. The owners didn't even stand a chance to argue, the marines just arrived, gave them a paper that tells them to fuck off, and promptly took over the building.

Wanna protest for the lack of rights? Well, I saw the riot police beating the crap out of protesting business owners. No one and I mean no one has a right to stand up to the government anymore. Each night and morning, curfews were put in place. If you were caught...well shit.

It was well and truly, Martial Law.

I don't know man, but, do you hear those people who say that America was a military junta during the war? I kinda agree with them. I barely heard about Congress or any civilian politician besides say, the President during the war. The entire media only broadcasted what the generals, the experts, or the CIA and the FBI were saying. And these guys, it's almost like they suddenly held all authority weeks after New York.

It was clear the Military was running everything. And anyone who dares to stand against their measures to defend America...well shit they go down hard.

Two weeks later, most of Philadelphia was deserted. Civvies, especially women, the young, elderly, cripples, you name it, were out of the city. What was left was the essentials and us young boys. You see, when the draft arrived, all of us were immediately in. Weapons and supplies flooded the city, while everyone was organized into army units. It was full-on conscription. Anyone that's not yet conscripted, they were drafted into these work groups, building fortifications, doing logistical work, etc, etc.

We barely got a month of training by the time I was sent to combat because they were already near the city. The Sirens already took over Connecticut, they got Massachusetts and Boston. The news was telling us they were pushing onto Portland. And over Delaware? The Military was already engaged against the Sirens over there, all of New Jersey was overrun. Artillery fire from them already rained day and night over Philadelphia.

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