She nodded. I lifted her and carried her away from the river. After grabbing my pack from my horse I spread one of my blankets on the ground and set Lillian on it. 

"I'll need to get you out of those wet clothes. You're going to freeze to death," I nodded. I passed her another blanket and her cloak I had grabbed from the cabin.

"I will." I stood and backed away. "I'll just go over here."

Lillian nodded eagerly and blushed heavily, "Good idea just uh."

I turned on my heel and walked back to where my horse was tied. I felt heat creep up into my cheeks as I grabbed the pack of food from my saddle bag. I leaned against my horse for a second, "Come on sindar, get yourself together," I said to myself. I was so overcome with joy in seeing her again I was choking on tears. I swallowed them and crammed all the emotions deep down inside me. The tension formed a knot in my stomach. 

I found a few sticks for the fire and slung my bow over my shoulder as I walked back.

      Lillian was sitting against the tree with the blanket wrapped around her lower half and the cloak covering her top. I kept my eyes off her as I started the fire and placed her wet clothes on the log closest to the fire. After that I pulled the food out of my pack. I put the bread and dried meat on a cloth and passed it to her. She smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," I stood.

The two of us sat in silence until Lillian's clothes were dry enough for her to wear. I put away the food while she changed back and grabbed more firewood. 

*Minor spice below. No actual content but things might get a little warm but it does get stopped pretty quick. I'd rate it a 3/10. I dont write spice that would potentially trigger anyone as I myself am triggered by such things. It's pretty much just a heated kiss but if you don't like that then I wouldn't read the next two paragraphs. Just a friendly waring :) *

"Legolas. I'm sorry I scared you," She whispered sadly.

"I love you too much. The thought of losing you almost killed me."

"Legolas," She sat up. "Legolas, if things go south and one of us doesn't make it."

I knelt down and kissed her. Lillian reached up and entwined her fingers in my hair. A chill went down my spine. My hands slipped under her tunic and caressed her smooth skin. She deepened our kiss as I pulled her closer to me. Lilli pressed herself against me as my fingers trailed up her spine. Her hand gripped my tunic as the other stroked my jaw. My hands felt her hips as I slid my hands up her waist.

"Legolas don't," Lillian whispered.

I snapped out of my haze as she stood up and walked away. 

" I'm sorry."

"No," I internally kicked myself. "It was my fault. I should not have touched you."

"It's alright. We just got caught up in the moment."

"I lost control," I frowned. "It was me. I need to learn to control myself."

"I forgive you. Maybe we shouldn't allow ourselves to get that close for now. I'm not ready for it."

"I understand. I would never force you into anything you didn't want," I walked to the other side of the clearing. "I only want you to be happy."

"Just being near you makes me happy. That's all I want for right now."

I nodded and smiled, "Same for me."

"Then we're agreed?"

We met in the middle. I hugged her gently, "Agreed."

"Good," She wiped a tear away.

"I scared you," My heart throbbed at the sight of tears falling from her beautiful eyes.

"No, you didn't scare me. It's just been a long day."

I couldn't even form words. I felt horrible. Not only had I disrespected the boundary Lillian had tried to enforce from the beginning, I potentially frightened her. "You should rest," I passed her another blanket and nodded to the bed I had made. "I want to take first watch."

 "Are you sure? I don't think you should be alone."

"I'm certain." 

          I stared into the flames. My guilt was heavier than any burden I had borne thus far. Maybe I was rushing things. I was the one who had almost cornered her about her feelings. I was the one who almost lost control. I knew she was hurting and it was my fault. Maybe I wasn't good for her. Someone as lovely and beautiful as Lillian deserved better. 


Everyone back at the camp was relieved to see me. Elrohir and Elladan nearly smothered me with concern. I noticed Legolas remained rigid as Elrohir thanked him for bringing me back safely. I tossed a smile his way which he returned but his eyes weren't in it. He was in pain. Two days passed of silence. He could barely look at me.

After dinner on the third day after I noticed he tried to sneak off on his own. I followed him through the woods. I found myself watching him as he walked over the footbridge and leaned on the railing. His hair glowed in the moonlight and it made him look as if diamonds covered his body. Legolas's eyes sparkled as they wandered the skies.

"My love," I smiled as I stepped out of the treeline.

"Lillian. What are you doing here?" He rushed towards me.

"Legolas we need to talk."

He nodded and grabbed my hand. We both stared out at the valley. 

"You first," We both said in unison.

"I just wanted to say that I love you so unbelievably much," I smiled. Legolas kissed the top of my head, "I love you and I don't want anything to stand between us becoming closer but."

"But what?"

He shook his head, "It's stupid."

"It's not stupid Legolas."

"I want you to come back with me Lilli. I want to bring you to Mirkwood and present you to my kingdom. I want you to meet my father, I want to show you my home because one day," He smiled. "One day it could be your home." Legolas dropped on one knee.

I gasped and put one hand over my mouth.

"Lillian, I know this probably seems a little bit crazy but I don't care. I want you with me all the time, every day, every night and all the moments in between eternally. Forever. Will you marry me?" He smiled up at me.  

I couldn't make words but I nodded with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Yes," I gasped. "Yes I will marry you!"

He stood and kissed my cheek, "You've made me the happiest ellon alive."

I snuggled into him as we stared up at the stars above. We were going to be okay. I knew it.

The Lost One: Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now