Roundtable Hold - 2

Start from the beginning

Melina examined (Y/n)'s expression for a minute before methodically nodding. "I trust you." Her words were simple, but they held a heavy power. (Y/n) softly nodded to her, extending his hand. She took it, and they simply held one another.

Even as (Y/n) spoke, they continued to hold hands. He turned his attention to the resting woman. "Sellen?"

The sorceress turned her head minutely, "Yes?"

"What do you know about Rogier?" He asked. The woman slowly opened her eyes, blinking for a long time.

She said, "He was once a formidable Spellblade that was in the Academy, and he and I do have... history. His goals are quite simple; he wants to learn of the history behind the Night of the Black Knives, and Godwyn's subsequent death."

(Y/n) nodded, having already known that. And he knew that it was Ranni who orchestrated the night, having wanted to be free of the Greater Will's desires. He hummed, "So, what should we do? We have all the information he wants and all."

Sellen stared at (Y/n) bewildered. "We tell him?"

(Y/n) scratched the side of his head. "I mean...."

Sellen rolled her eyes, and Melina giggled silently. "Are there any valid reasons for us not to tell him? He's an ally, is he not?"

(Y/n) nodded, trying to find the right way to explain his hesitance to overshare. However, upon thinking, he realized he'd lose more than he'd gain by keeping information from Rogier. Before he said anything, Sellen spoke once more. "The worst that happens is that he acts foolish when he learns of the Lunar Princess."

Melina squeezed (Y/n)'s hand, and his eyes returned to her. "And you will be there to help him through that foolishness." She hadn't said it like an order, rather, as an observation. And she was correct. (Y/n) would do everything in his power to help Rogier.

He nodded, glancing between the two women. "You two... are ominously good at being on the same page."

Sellen's lips curled upwards weakly, and Melina's free hand laid on the sorceress's hand. Melina rubbed (Y/n)'s hand with her thumb, looking at Sellen. She spoke slowly, "We seem to understand one another."

(Y/n) smiled, deciding to say nothing. He laid his hand on Melina's head before doing the same on Sellen's surprisingly plush thigh, shaking them both gently. "I'll be back, you two. I've gotta speak with Rogier and Nepheli, then, we're heading to Caelid."

Sellen let out a huff. Melina nodded gently, "I will stay with Sellen, until she—"

"Stop with that. I'm not a toddler who needs to be coddled, Melina," Sellen said, interrupting Melina without pushing her hand away. "Go with him. If it's that big of a deal, you can have Rogier watch over me."

Melina and (Y/n) traded glances, and Sellen picked up on the silent communication despite her closed eyes. "Our history is not romantic, at least, it isn't on my side." That only made (Y/n) and Melina met gazes even harder, causing Sellen to let out an exasperated sigh. "An explanation for another time. If you must, bring it up to him directly."

(Y/n) and Melina shared one last look before the former of the two shrugged, spinning around and leaving the room. He cast Hewg a nod of respect and Roderika a somewhat worried glance before continuing.

On the balcony of the Roundtable Hold which overlooked the lower section of the Hold. To the right of the entrance, Rogier and Nepheli sat next to one another, talking. Before (Y/n) entered, he listened for a second.

"That man, he's certainly not normal," Rogier said, intrigued. "The number of spirits following him would be inconceivable for even some of the demigods."

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