Me Myself And I

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I rub my eyes and heavily sigh before taking my shirt off so I could take a quick shower. After, I put some sweats on and walk over to my desk and I take out my laptop to get some work done. I quickly hack into the main software that I use and look for any interesting hunting shifts in the dark web. Succubus? well that's interesting, I'll keep that as an option. Demon kid, I'll pass. Evil twins hmm. . . I click on the link about the identical ghost twins. Seems legit, looks like a lot of evidence of their existence. I've heard of a lot of ghost stories involving twins. But this is the first one where the deceased was an only sibling, I'll keep that one as an option too. After 15 mins I decided on the twins. So I clicked on 'Accept Mission'. I quickly take down the provided details and the mission parameters. Once I confirmed my payment plan I was ready to begin. Time to prep my gear, to get ready for the night ahead. I load up my bag with tools to help me in my quest. A flashlight to light my way, a camera to capture anything strange, a recorder to document the sounds, and a thermometer to measure the temperature change. I then strap on my EMF meter, to detect any energy spikes. I put on my ghost hunting vest, filled with gadgets and gizmos galore. I take a shot of vodka and head out the door. Tonight should be interesting. I hop in my van that runs on auto pilot and take the time to research the girls.

Located In Brightside Main street Last Owned By The Whitlock's In 1986.
3 Residents: Madiie Whitlock, Maverick Whitlock, Ivery Whitlock.
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Ivery Whitlocks Point Of View
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|•|9 years old|•|

I've been begging for attention from my mother for as long as I can remember. But, it's almost like I'm invisible. I tried to talk to her but, I just got brushed off and ignored. I tried to do something nice for momma, so I made her cereal and cleaned her room, but she never cared about it. And when I ask to do something with her, like go to the park or watch a movie, mamma would always say she's too busy. I'm thinking that maybe I did something wrong, or maybe there's something wrong with me? It wouldn't be that bad if I was able to go out and play but I'm not allowed at all since I'm home schooled. I wish I was at least allowed to explore. . .

3 Years Later

Ivery was still feeling the effects of her mother's neglect. Though she was now 12 years old, she still struggled with low self-esteem and a sense of worthlessness. She had been talking to herself in the mirror since she was 10 to help cope ranting about her problems to herself and then giving comforting advice after pretending that it was someone else's thoughts. This became a common routine of hers she only hoped that no one would catch her doing something seemingly weird. One day, while browsing through old photo albums, Ivery stumbled upon a picture of herself at 9 years old. She was holding a bowl of cereal, a big smile on her face, as she stood in front of her mother's messy bedroom. Seeing the photo brought back a flood of memories, and Ivery realized that she had been neglected by her mother for far longer than she had thought she ever would. As she looked at the photo, Ivery felt a sense of sadness and anger. She realized that she had done nothing wrong, and that her mother's neglect was not her fault. She also thought that she deserved to be loved and cared for. Ivery had more interesting habits that most didn't. One of them was sewing, but instead of just fabric she'd often sew her hands or feet not caring about the pain, bored of the repeating days she found strange ways of entertaining herself. One of those was a doll that she made that she named Rose who she'd make clothes for and rant too, but Rose's personality was more harsh than her own encouraging her to take risks, ignoring that these were just thoughts of her own. One evening, Ivery was playing with her favorite doll, Rose, when something strange happened. As Ivery was combing Rosie's hair, she noticed that the doll's eyes seemed to move on their own. At first, she thought it was just her imagination, but then she saw Rose's hand twitch. Lily's heart began to race as she watched in disbelief as the doll slowly lifted its arm and waved at her. Ivery stared at Rose in shock, unsure of what to do. She had always believed that her dolls were alive in some way, but she never expected to see one move on its own. She cautiously reached out to touch Rose's hand, and to her surprise, the doll's fingers closed around hers. Ivery couldn't believe what was happening. She had heard stories about dolls coming to life, but she never thought it could happen to her. She was hesitant at first but then spent the rest of the day playing with Rose, talking to her and watching as she moved on her own. As the days went by, Ivery continued to play with Rose, always keeping a close eye on her in case she moved again. She never told anyone about what had happened, afraid that they would think she was crazy. But deep down, she knew that her doll was special and that she was lucky to have such a magical friend. From that day on, her bond with Rose grew even stronger, and she cherished every moment they spent together. She knew that her doll was more than just a toy, and she was grateful for the mysterious magic that had brought her to life. One night her mother took her abuse too far when she came home tipping over and belligerent stumbling on her words. "Why the fuck is it so dirty in here are you good fer nothing you rrrat! Get this shit cleaned up!" She yelled kicking one of her doll creations under the couch in frustration. "You kicked Emma!" Cried Ivery. "Oh shut the fuck up its a doll what are you 11 already? Grow the fuck up!" She yelled flailing her arm around in a drunkenly manor. "I'm 12 actually. . ." She says under her breath with a slight pout. "Even worse! Ugh, fucking children." She says before stumbling her way to her kitchen cabinets pulling out a large bottle of Bourbon. "You're going to keep drinking?" Ivery asked boldly wishing her mother would go to sleep instead. She immediately regretted her question when her mother slammed the bottle on the counter in anger, the sound piercing her ears and flinching at the unexpected noise. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"Nothing Ma." Ivery mumbles under her breath.
"You little shit you know what I'm going to do?" She takes a break from speaking to gulp down 5 sizable "sips" of Bourbon while Ivery felt a deep pit in her stomach at her mothers question. "Im going to toss every piece of junk you got thrown around in my fucking house!"
"No!" Ivery shrieks in retaliation.
She stumbled into the living room and started to yell as she grabbed one of my dolls and started to rip them apart, cotton falling into the floor. I was scared and crying, not knowing what to do. She kept screaming and throwing the pieces of the dolls around the room. I then remembered Rose and quickly threw her under the couch when my mother wasn't looking, hoping that I could save my new friend. After a few minutes, she finally stopped and passed out on her bed. I was so relieved that it was over, and pulled Rose out from under the couch, I looked at her and could tell that we were both startled and perplexed by what just happened.
"Are you okay Rose?" Ivery questioned her concerned about her companion, waiting for her reply.
"Yes Ivery I'm fine, thank you for hiding me, you're a good friend" Rose answered in a whisper sounding grateful for Ivery's quick thinking.
"I'm sorry, I don't know why she did that, I guess it's my fault, I shouldn't have said anything. . ." Ivery spoke in a defeated tone mixed with shame guilt and confusion.
"No, no ivery you did good! Nothing was your fault she shouldn't have acted like that! Don't worry, you're perfect." Rose expresses reaching her stitched arm out to lay on Ivery's wrist so that she could comfort her.
Ivery sighed with a bit of relief and there was a moment of silence, Rose broke this silence when she spoke. "But you know who's fault it is?"
Ivery froze a bit taken aback by Roses sudden change of tone.
"Who?" She uttered looking down.

"Your mother. Everything is all her fault."

Rose explained in a serious manner. As Ivery continued to avoid her gaze.
"Who? " She uttered looking down.
"Your mother. Everything is all her fault." Rose explained in a serious manner. As Ivery continued to avoid her gaze.
"Why do you let her do this to you?" Rose asks expecting an explanation, but to no avail.

"Why don't we do something about it."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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