12. Burns

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Obito's hard work had finally paid off. He had extinguished the army that was hiding beneath the lair, successfully putting an end to the reign of terror that could have plagued the region. His determination and grit had been instrumental in his triumph over Kabuto and Black Zetsu, who had been the key figures of the army. Obito's heart was heavy, but he knew that he had to face Sasuke and reveal the truth to him.

He approached Sasuke with a gentle demeanour, fully aware that his approach had to be different now that he had achieved his goals. He spoke to Sasuke softly, highlighting the sacrifice that his brother had made for the village and why it was crucial for Sasuke to carry on his brother's legacy. Obito made sure to impart the truth about the village's dark secrets so that Sasuke could understand the rationale behind his brother's actions.

Sasuke was devastated upon hearing the truth. Tears streamed down his face, and his body shook with grief.

"Why? Why did they have to do this to him?" he cried, his voice hoarse with emotion.

"My brother... he gave everything for this village. And they repaid him with death."

Obito put a comforting hand on Sasuke's shoulder, his heart aching for the young man's pain.

"I know it hurts, Sasuke." he said softly.

"But your brother would want you to carry on his will. He would want you to be strong and fight for what you believe in. That's why I'm here. I want to help you achieve your goals, just like your brother did."

Sasuke wiped his tears, his face hardening with determination.

"I want to make them pay." he said, his voice cold and steely.

"I want to make them feel the same pain that my brother felt."

Obito nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Then let's make them pay ." he said, his voice filled with conviction.

"Together, we will bring justice to your brother's name."

As they walked, Obito pointed out the beautiful scenery around them. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden hue across the fields. The air was crisp and cool, and the chirping of birds could be heard in the distance. Obito wanted to make sure that Sasuke felt calm and serene, and that he knew that he had a friend in him.

Obito stood stoically by Sasuke's side as the young Uchiha faced off against Danzo, determined to prevent any harm from befalling the boy he had come to view as a surrogate younger brother. Sasuke's Sharingan glinted fiercely as he prepared to take revenge on the man who had brought so much suffering into his life.

With Obito's support, Sasuke unleashed his pent-up rage, his movements fluid and deadly. The two combatants clashed in a violent dance, each seeking to gain the upper hand. Obito watched carefully, ready to step in at a moment's notice if the situation called for it.

As the battle raged on, Sasuke's eyes blazed with an intensity that Obito had never seen before. It was as if the young Uchiha had tapped into some primal well of power, drawing strength from his desire for revenge. Obito couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern; he knew all too well the dangers of letting one's emotions get the better of them.

But Sasuke was determined, and with Obito's guidance, he emerged victorious. He was ready to finally come back to his home. What could be better to win the village's trust again than bring them their precious lost boy?

Meanwhile, in the charming village of Konoha, Tsunade slowly awakened from her coma, her eyes gracefully fluttering open. After being given ample time to rest, you made your way to her bedside to deliver the news. To your pleasant surprise, the highly respected Hokage received the information with remarkable composure.

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