Chapter 25: "The Flower and Fruit Mountain"

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(Alya Pov)

After we've traveled almost the whole night, as we see the night sky slowly turning the sky into pinkish orange and yellow. As we can almost see the stars slowly disappearing,

As excited I am for somehow learning how to create my very own cloud, it was hard to maintain it.

Firstly, it took out all of my energy. Maybe back at the Palace, in that moment it just happened. Or maybe I haven't slept or eaten anything ever since Wukong left.

Pigsy saw I looked tired and my cloud was dissolving. At first he asked me if I would let him carry me, I obviously said no but I knew I wasn't going to carry us both.

And now, im on his back as he gives me a piggyback ride....hehe,

I yawned outloudly, rubbing my eyes lightly. It was hard being sleepy and at the sametime trying to focus, Pigsy was mainly the one keeping me from falling off his back. He's been mostly directing us where to go,

I turn to look over at Pigsy, seeing his eyes focusing on the path we're going. Even though he's a pervert and lazy pig, he's really different when he's focus.

He notices me staring at him, and raises his brow


"Aren't you tired? I mean, we've been flying for over hours, you've gotta be atleast sleepy" I tell him while looking over at the sun almost about to rise,

I scratches his cheek but shakes his head,

"I'm only focus because we need to reach Wukong and try to get him back so he can help us save the Tang Monk and Princess" he said,

Silent fell between us, making it only awkward for us to even start a conversation. Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever spoken to Pigsy properly.

Usually when we talk, it's either we're arguing, or smacking him away. But just too wierd.

"...I'm sorry."

"Sorry? What are you saying sorry for?" I ask him, as I look below the ocean underneath us,

"Yknow! I'm sorry for...calling you worthless..." he said, I raise an eyebrow to him.

I look over to him, unsure if what he said really mean anything to him. He seemed awkward saying it outloud, I sight heavily and nodded

"Its okay, I guess I'm also sorry for calling you a lazy pig, piece of bacon, snot nose--"

"Alright I get it! I have an ugly pig face, big deal" he said, rolling his eyes

"Yknow, you're not so bad afterall....when youre not being an ass" I smiled over to him, only making fake laugh

"Whatever. Besides, we're here--"

"We are???" I ask him, Pigsy holds my head and turns my view back infront of us

From a distance, we see a island, it's mountian green with the sea sparkling with the morning sun,

Wukongs home...

As we came closer, flying above trees, the place looks beautiful...

The trees looked green and healthy, the water was crystal clear, and I think I saw peaches and mangos...this place looks amazing!!

We came to a halt as Pigsy looked around, I look over his shoulder, questioning why we stopped suddenly

"Why did we stop?"

"I'm trying to look where Wukong is...probably hiding somewhere like a coward.." he said, making me glare and hit his head

"He's probably with his subjects. He is King, so he's probably busy" I tell him,

《Journey To The West》MK/Sun Wukong X Alya K "Journey From The Past" Where stories live. Discover now