Chapter 1: "The Girl Who Leapt Back in Time"

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(Hundred years in the past)

(No one Pov)

There stood an enormous but beautiful place, known as the East Tang Empire. There has been many crimes and sinful deeds that has happened within the East Empire.

Even if the place looked horrible by the people, there yet to be hope.

A young monk by the name of Tang Sangzang. Stood by the Empire porch. Star gazing at the beautiful night sky. He felt at peace by earth's beauty and grateful to be able to see it all.

If only the people here would appreciate on what they have around them. As only the simple things in life can bring happiness.

"Tang Sangzang?" A voice called out for the monk

He turned around to see The Tang Emperor. He smiled and waved,

"Hello sire, what brings you here tonight?" The monk asks him, while bowing to his presence

"Hello old friend, I came to visit you on this lovely night and ask if you'd like some tea" the Tang Emperor asks him,

Tang Sanzang smiled but nodded in disagreement,

"As wonderful as that sounds, I wish to pass" Tang Sanzang replied,

"Than I wish to join you old friend, it is not everyday the sky is marvelous tonight" the Tang Emperor smiled warmly over to the sky

But only their moments where to be interrupt by the sound of thundering coming

"Strange, I don't believe clouds where coming this early in season since it's still warm" the Tang Emperor said,

Before they knew it, a flashing light struck below infront of the Palace. Making the ground grumble. As all of the solders panic but drew out rheir weapon to the dangerous flashing light but was soon gone as the ground slowly stopped it's rumblings, only to see droplets of rainwater comes falling down

The Tang monk and the Tang Emperor stood in shock. Surprised on what just happened, what does this mean??

"What just happened? Rain? Dark clouds? This all don't make sense--"

"You're majesty! The sky dropped something! Or someone, It looks like it's breathing!" A solders yelled from the ground,

"That must not be good, what if it's dangerous?" The Tang Emperor hesitated,

Even though Tang Sanzang stood in shock, staring over by what the sky left behind, he stood where he is and looked over the situation

As the smoke cleared away, there laid on the muddy ground was a girl. A girl who had smoke coming from her back, as the rain poured heavily onto her. As her face was face first laying on the mud

Tang Sanzang gasps and yelled,

"Its a girl! Please, don't hurt her!" Tang Sanzang cried, making the solders stop at their tracks. Hesitated and looked over at their highness

The Tang Emperor took a closer look at what Tang Sanzang saw. His eyes widen in shock,

"Bring her in!" He commanded,

Letting the rest of the solders carry the unconscious girl in their arms inside the Emperor Palace.

Soon they brought the girl inside, laying her ontop of a table being filled with towels and pillows

All of the solders stood back but stayed close to the Emperor if anything happened.

The Tang monk and The Tang Emperor looked over at the girl, seeing her face covered with mud and rain. The Tang monk walked over to the girl, his face near her chest. Trying to hear of any life. His hand layed against the girls cheek, as all he felt was her cheeks cold. As he sighed heavily, happily to know their out of nowhere person was still alive

《Journey To The West》MK/Sun Wukong X Alya K "Journey From The Past" Where stories live. Discover now