Chapter 20: "The Heavenly Frying Pan"

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(Alya Pov)

We were all back at the abbey again, only this time we we're tied even stronger against our wrists. Only making it more harder and complicated to slip away.

While the Great Immortal was talking to his priest's to start a fire,

I felt my mouth gone dry and body run cold, are they going to burn us?!

"A-Are they going to burn us?" I ask the group, Tripitaka looked scared as always while Sandy and Pigsy shrugg their shoulders

"Don't worry peaches, I'm sure I'll figure a way out of this mess. We just need to stay calm and--"

"Bring out a large Frying Pan!" He said, turning his glare towards us

"We're going to fry these criminals" he pointed towards us, taking us aback

'F-Fry?! They're gonna boil us alive?? At this point, getting married to the Black Bear sounds like a not so bad punishment'

The Great Immortal glares down at Wukong who's sitting next to me,

"Let's start with Sun Wukong, the one who killed my Genshin Tree in the first place." He said,

We all heard beside us a fire starting as it started to crackle with the intensity of the heat. Almost making the inside of this place hot already,

"W-Wukong?" I called for his name, as I glance my eyes to him

He stayed quiet and kept on looking over at the situation, probably thinking what else to do

We soon heard the door open wide, six priest came in carrying a large frying pan and placed it on top of the fire,

I gulped and looked over at the rest of the group. They all looked unsure at the situation that's happening,

Tripitaka looked like he was really to bust out crying, Pigsy becoming bowled ham is about to happen and Sandy worried over all of us. We're all unsure what's gonna happen next, by far, we're all scared

I looked over at Wukong and he still looked calm and collected,


"I may have a plan," he said glances over to me

"I can sit on that frying pan all day and not get hurt at all. But you and the Tang Monk are mortal, I'm gonna have to somehow escape and find a plan for you all to leave" Wukong said

"What do you have in mind?"

"Do you see that statue over there?" Wukong pointed over to a lion like statue with a bell

"Yeah? What about it?"

"I can use that statue, making it into a clone of mines. While the statue disguises as me, I can slip away. I promise I will save you, all of you guys" he says, making me smile. Unable to really extend my arms and hug him, I lean my forehead to his head.

Softly snuggling my forehead against his hair, Wukong stiffen at my unexpected embrace

"I know you will, please be careful" I tell him, sitting back. He smiles happily and nods,

He closes his eyes, and whispers something under his breath. Before anything, his body grew stiff and still. As I nudge him, he sat still and didn't react to my touch. He's gone, and probably went to help us all,

"Throw Sun Wukong into the frying pan" he said, as two of the priest who greeted us earlier came to us, grabbed Wukong by each side of him. About to lift him up, therye arms started to shake as they look like they were struggling,

《Journey To The West》MK/Sun Wukong X Alya K "Journey From The Past" Where stories live. Discover now