Chapter 11: "Pig's Divorce"

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(Alya Pov)

"Where do you think your going?"

The pig creature holding the rake growled at Wukong,

Tripitaka pulled his horse back, making me also walk backwards as I held the horses straps.

"Why did you trespass my property?" The pig creature asked menacingly,

"Property? This is the middle of the woods, your only property is that cave." Wukong pointed over to the dark cave, behind the pig, but the pig didn't listen

"For trespassing my home, you deserve a punishment! All of you!" The pig yelled, swinging his rake around and launching himself towards Wukong,

Wukong not even taken aback like me and Tripitaka, he just stood there as the pig ran towards him,

Before I can yell Wukong to move, the pig swung his rake over towards Wukongs head. But Wukong, being immortal and strong, blocked his attack. The pig looked shock at Wukongs block. Before he can attack again, Wukong swung his bar at the pigs feet.

Making the pig cry out in pain, falling face down to the ground. Knocking himself out,

Me and Tripitaka waited for the pig to stand up and continue to fight again, but he didn't. He just layed on the ground stiff

"Is he...?" Tripitaka worriedly look to me,

"Don't worry master, I didn't kill him. I only swung his ankle, knocking him off his feet. He knocked himself out"

"That's gotta hurt" I said, walking over to Wukong.

"Should we leave him like this?" I ask him,

Wukong shrugged his shoulders, unsure either but he didn't seem to care

"Let him lay there, he came out here looking for a fight and he fight. This is what he deserves for attacking me first" Wukong said walking back to Tripitaka, getting the horses straps. Pulling them to continue on walking down the path

I look down at the pig once again, his ears twitched a bit but just layed there without any movement but his breath,

"Hurry up Alya! I think I see a village in our view" Wukong called for me,

"Coming!" I yelled back, walking over to Tripitaka. He smiled down to me,

"Don't worry Alya, stay close to Wukong and we'll be safe" Tripitaka reassured me, making me almost chuckle at how earlier Tripitaka wanted reassurance from me

I smiled back and nodded at Tripitakas words, but something was still bothering me...

'Why do I feel like we'll be seeing him soon?'

(Timeskip to the village)

After a few hours of walking, we finally get the outskirts view of the village Wukong was talking about,

I smiled in joy at seeing a village, I needed a good meal after few days of eating nothing but just rice and fruit.

"This place sure looks nice, dosent it Alya?" Tripitaka asks me

"Yep, it's really pretty" I replied back,

I'm not gonna lie, the village did look gorgeous. The overflowing growth of flowers and vines being taken care of was nice to see. And the outside walls looked like they were painted with patience and care, this might be a good night's rest tonight. Where can things go wrong?

Before we'd can get close to the entrance, we soon see a guy who seems as the same age as me sitting at a near by tree. Looking sorta stress to himself,

《Journey To The West》MK/Sun Wukong X Alya K "Journey From The Past" Where stories live. Discover now