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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


a groan resonated through the dorm that now belonged to coralina as did the groan.

she squinted her eyes open.

she slowly pulled herself up, sitting on her knees on top of the bed now, yawning as she rubbed her eyes.

morning already? feels like i just went to bed

she climbed of the bed and turned, coming in front of a mirror that showed her reflections.

seems i fell asleep in my uniform...good i don't have to waist time putting it on.

a quick wave of her hand made her unruly sky blue hair put itself in a tight bun.

another thing dealt with

weaving her way through the room she took the time to now get a good look at it.

it wasn't to complicated, it held the slytherin colors and elegancy. beside her bed which was quit comfy there was a simple desk, two bedside tables and a closet.

it also held a window which showed the inside of the black lake, a view she was appreciative off, it meant nobody besides the underwater creatures could see her and they weren't all that interested in wizards and witches.

seeing as she had nothing to take with her she made quick work off stepping out the room, carefully as to not disturb anyone who might still be sleeping.

although the hustle from downstairs made it clear there probably wasn't anyone up here besides herself.

still feeling groggy, she stumbled her way down the stairs. almost tripping occasionally, she didn't care.

honestly, if she where to face plant she'd probably not get up and fall back asleep on the floor.

once at the bottom, she glanced around the common room. as she'd predicted a lot of the students had already head down.

she catched some of them staring at her, once she made eye contact with them though they quickly looked away.

she let out a unnoticed chuckle.

she took confident steps but didn't go to fast to seem hasty, graciously maneuvering her way through the common room.

her objective was to get to the sofa's in front of the fireplace, professor weasley said she'd come give her timetable but who knew when she'd be here.

Levicorpus, You little ****! | | Hogwarts Legacy FanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang