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 she instantly casted lumos and threw it to the ceiling again to brighten everything so that she could properly see.

"Professor!" she shouted out, looking around quickly but couldn't see him any where "Where are you?!"

no amount of calling and looking around helpt though, the professor was gone.

all she could do now is find a way out and hope that the elderly man was okay.

out of nowhere whisps of magic appeared, and floated around her before taking on a path and it seemed it wanted her to follow along.

feeling nothing off from the magic she went along.

in a little while they had brought her to a pot with that glow again.

"So this is were you where leading me too" she spoke, knowing what to do she held her hand out and made contact with it and like last time the floor changed showing her a reflection of a statue, well three to be precise.

knowing how this went, she casted revelio, causing the statues to be revealed and went ahead with lumos the bring the reflections in the right position.

and just like before, the statues rose up and tapped their swords on the floor.

"Welp, guess i'm on my own. not like that makes any difference" she spoke, stretching her arms and neck "Let's get this party started"

a confident and slightly sinister smile grew upon her lips, she took in a deep breath with her eyes closed.

a breeze past through, alerting her to the barrier having risen once more and that the fight was about to begin.

through the floor she could feel the vibrations of the statues movement. they where getting ready to attack.





her eyes opened right as the statues lunged towards her but before they could get into contact with her they where thrown back by shoulds a force it broke them into pisces instantly.

and as she had predicted a bunch of other knight came falling down but before they even touched the ground they where stopped mid air.

Levicorpus, You little ****! | | Hogwarts Legacy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now