"I dont know??? It might be that Cartman can get his way so easily... With well, anything."

"Well, Maybe I can go either talk to Tyler or just beat up on that kid Cartman." You joke before your mom gave you a small stern look "just kidding just kidding dont worry ma."

"I know..." She sighs, she grabbed her coffee mug and took a sip before rubbing her forehead

"Look, Just maybe, give him a chance for now, he hasnt done anything recently right?"

"I guess, it has been a while, but thats why im so nervous, i dont know if Cartman is being a bad influence on Tyler or if Tyler is being a good influence on Cartman it just... Im just scared Tyler will get hurt." Your mom said simply covering her eyes with the palm of her hands.

"Oh mom... Im sure Tyler knows that..." You say, walking up to her and rubbing her back. "But he's also got to experience these things, at least, bad friendships, they aren't good but they help us grow." You explain. "Plus i doubt Tyler of all people would let him get away with being a dick to him "

Your mom lets out a small laugh before moving her hands from her eyes, suddenly the toaster pops startling the both of you, you grab the two now hot waffles and a plastic bottle water and gave your mom one more kiss on the cheek.

"Dont worry too much about Tyler while im gone okay? I dont need you worrying yourself to death." You say as you made your way to the door.

"Okay honey, have fun at work!" She says as you wave, grabbing the keys to your dads truck that you asked to borrow as you still had the u-haul on the car, and heading out.


"Golden Marey Kush Farm... John & Judy Cannabis Acre..... High Valley Marijuana Farm..... Aha! Tegridy Farm! There we go." You say, pulling into the worker parking lot for Tegridy farm and you get out looking out at the large acres of hemp.

"Wow i guess he takes this shit pretty seriously..." You mutter as you make your way up to the farm, walking past you watched as people worked out in the fields you zoned out on them as you walked directly into a person on accident and bump each of you back.

"Oh my gosh im so sorry! I wasnt paying attention to where i was going." You say, looking up at the figure only to meet face to face with Randy Marsh.

"No no its okay! I was just coming out here to see if you had gotten here yet, we need you out in the gift shop." He said, You nodded quickly before he showed you the way, once you stepped in you were hit by a wave of weed and you couldnt help but feel like you had gotten punched in the face by it.

"Jesus CHRIST. Its so strong.." you mumble rubbing your nose a bit.

"Ah yeah sorry about that, you'll get used to it once you're on the farm for a while." He said, you noticed what seemed to be a... A towel? Behind the counter at the gift shop but you decided to try and question that later. "So here we sell our merchandise that is all handmade with hemp! We have shirts, hats, food, we have weed of course that you can buy, but in little miniature forms!" He said holding up what didnt even seem to be enough weed to make a joint between his index and thumb before putting it back down onto the pile he had picked it up from.

"And people... Buy this stuff?" You ask "i mean i like weed but wow i didnt know people were THIS. Into weed." You say and Randy gives a smug look.

Randy Marsh x Reader [Discontinued/Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now