twenty seven | tiring people

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"Damn, that is one strong hand," chuckled the dryad, pulling out another package from under the bed.

"'May your 16th be as sour and misery-filled as your desire.'" Wednesday read out from the paper on top of the trunk. "'Your ever-doting mother and father.'"

"They asked Thing to hide it before they left on Parents' Weekend," explained Enid. Wednesday opened up the trunk to reveal a taxidermy kit, earning a groan from the werewolf, "Ew! That's so gross."

"I would've preferred live squirrels," admitted the goth.

"No, you would not, Wednesday Addams," said the dryad firmly, raising an eyebrow.

Eyes going wide ever so slightly, Wednesday replied, "My apologies, cara mia," she closed the trunk and pushed it back inside. "I would never want to use live squirrels."

"Good," Juniper smiled.

"While we're still accepting presents..." said Enid, grabbing a black-wrapped present from the dresser on her side of the room.

Tentatively, Wednesday opened it and found a knitted snood inside.

"Well, do you like it?" Asked the werewolf excitedly.

"What is it exactly?" Asked Wednesday.

Grinning from ear to ear, the blonde said. "It's a snood, silly. I made it in your signature colors. And you want to know what the best part is?" She pulled out her own, which was a bright pink and added, "I have one too!"

As she wore it, Wednesday stood in a gobsmacked silence, while Juniper muffled her own giggles with a hand, earning a side-eyed glare for her girlfriend.

"We can wear them together to class," continued the werewolf, having put on her bright snood.

"Oh, Enid, this is far too unique to wear to something like class," said Wednesday, her tone slow as she made an excuse. "I suggest we wait for a more special occasion, like a funeral."

"Again, no, we will not, Wednesday," Juniper frowned.

"Okay, come on, let me have that at least?" Asked the goth, with a slight pleading look.

"No." Said the dryad, establishing that she would not budge. "Putting that aside, I made you a few things..." She handed Wednesday a box, and added, "I noticed some of your sheet music is coming apart, so I asked Thing to lend me your papers..."

Inside the box was a well-bound black book lying on some paper with the name 'Wednesday Addams' painted neatly onto the cover in silver. Inside was a small note on the first page, written in Juniper's clean cursive that read, 'A musician plays best with clean notes. Happy birthday, my love! With love, Juniper' The rest were all handwritten pages of notes, in the margins of which musical annotations were given for help.

"This is one of the most...well-thought out gifts I have ever received," said Wednesday.

"Have a look under the paper, my love," chuckled Juniper.

Lifting the crinkly black material out, the goth's eyes went wide as she saw Juniper's green knit sweater neatly folded at the bottom of the box.

"I remember you had stolen this one, so after several days of charming the fabric to keep my scent without it going stale, I decided I'd give it to you permanently," the dryad blushed and looked at the ground, her ears growing pointed.


"I don't hate it," said Wednesday, smiling a little. "It's...better than average."

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐊 - 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐀𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon