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"These things are getting hostile!" - Jackson

"I'm aware, can't wait to destroy this place and be done with it." - Jerome

"But what's behind that stupid door?" - Jerome

"It's got to be locked for a reason right?" - Jerome

"Maybe it's hiding something, something like a weakness, their birth place?" - Michael

"Yeah, maybe, but if the doors locked how do they get through it?" - Jerome

"I can't answer that, but we need to investigate this floor first, there's only really a stair case and what looks to be a kitchen, we don't want to go to the second floor yet, so we better go in that kitchen" - Michael

"Alright, good idea, just make sure we're not being jumped by these creatures alright?" - Jerome

"Got it. None really on this floor, they're all above us near that door, we'll have to fight them off" - Michael

"They've not saw us, I don't think they can look downwards" - Jerome

"That's what's going to save us for now" - Michael

"Guys there's a crate here" - Jackson

"What's in it?" - Michael

"Won't budge" - Jackson

"It's locked" - Jackson

"What type of lock system are they using that you can't even break it apart?" - Michael

"Maybe it has something to do with what they drop when they die?" - Michael

"That's a possibility" - Jackson

"Maybe there's a key for it in the kitchen?" - Jerome

"Good point, we need to check there" - Michael

The group hurry off to the kitchen and Milo finds a black key lying in the rusty sink with a broken tap.

"I think I got it" - Milo

"Good one" - Michael

"Jackson go test it" - Michael

Jackson walks towards the crate and inserts the black key. The lock clicks and then.

"Damn" - Jackson

"What happened?" - Jerome

"Key snapped, it's no good now" - Jackson

"How old was that key?" - Michael

"I don't know, presumably a couple days old" - Milo

"Then how did it snap?" - Michael

"Maybe it's something only these creatures can use" - Milo

"You may be right" - Michael

"Hey, creatures coming" - Jerome

The group watch as the creature walks right past them and throws up out of its mouth a fully black key which it uses to open the crate revealing multiple C4 explosives.

Jackson sees the explosives and fires at the creature killing it and as it's body disintegrates Jackson walks up to the C4's.

"The hell?" - Jackson

"Some sort of collection?" - Michael

"Why would they have C4's?" - Jackson

"They probably stole them of military who came here" - Michael

"Does the military even know about this place?" - Jackson

"Yes, they do, if they didn't know we wouldn't have been contacted to go on this mission!" - Michael

"What's the military's deal" - Jackson

"I'm not going to answer that, let's just continue on before more creatures come, I'm still surprised they didn't come down the stairs yet!" - Michael

"We need to get up them stairs" - Jackson

"Not yet, there's too much" - Michael

"Guns Vs stupid no brains, who'd win?" - Jackson

Jackson walks up the stair case firing his rifle at the hoard busting a few shots into the wall, Michael runs up after him but Jackson is exterminating the entire second floor which is when


His gun stopped.

"Huh?" - Jackson

The hoard came rushing back stronger than before Jackson was struck by one of them, it was almost into his chest as Micheal ran up the stairs and down the hallway.

"Jackson!!" - Michael

Michael pushes the creature off of Jackson and shoots it in the chest, it falls off the balcony and disintegrates onto the floor, which is when Michael feels something hit the floor behind him, it was Jackson.

"God no" - Michael

Michael checks his pulse and realises his breathing is only just a bit shallow.

"GUYS" - Michael

"Yeah?" - Milo

"We're gonna need special evac" - Michael

"Why?" - Milo

"It's Jackson, he got caught by then but his heart's not gone, his breathing is shallow and we need to save him" - Michael

"I'll carry him for the mission, continue up there and find the damn door key!" - Milo

"Alright, take good care" - Michael

Milo climbs up the stairs and is given Jackson's passed out unconscious body, before he scrambles back down and Michael continues looking around the second floor.

The Soldiers who were left outside follow Michael to protect him from harm aswell, Jackson is passed onto a medical training soldier who takes Jackson outside the house for safety.

"Look for any keys, 40JY3 check that room over there" - Michael

"Alright" - 40JY3

40JY3 walks over to the door for the room and once he opens the door he is hit with a foul stench which makes him lean against the wall of the room, he looked back and saw a rotting human heart laying on a table, he tried to stay stable as the others checked the other room, he could feel himself getting dizzy before he trips and lands near the table the heart is on he knocked the heart off with his hand and once it landed on the floor.

40JY3 tries to stand up but squishes his shoe on the heart which explodes it, he almost throws up, he can feel himself in pain at the situation he's in.

He relieses his reality and feels something hard beneath his feet, he looks down, there seems to be a large red key, connecting to the red lights the door was emitting, and it's the same size too.

But how could he but so sure?

He looked again, is it?

"But..... It.... Is!"

He falls to the floor about to pass out from the stench and pain from the situation which then he looks at the entrance and sees one of the creatures walking towards him on all fours, he tries to stand back up, but.

He passes out, right there on the cold floor soaked in the hearts.... Fresh? Blood.

[CH. 2 END]


• Entered house
• Found a crate full of C4 explosives
• Jackson attacked by Siyls
• Exploration of second floor
• Key found inside fresh heart as 40JY3 passes out.


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