Arnold Clark Cup Part 1

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So i was talking to a friend of mine and she mentioned that Leah and Alessia would make a hot couple. The gears in my head started turning and this came out


Leah lay on her bed in her temporary bedroom at SGP scrolling trough insta when there was a soft knock on the door
With a smile she got up to open the door
"Did anyone saw you" she quickly pulled her girlfriend inside
"No i didn't see anyone"
She closed the door behind her and quickly wrapped her girlfriend in a hug
"Hey you i missed you"
"I missed you to babe"
Leah let go of her girlfriend and gave her a kiss. She grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the bed.
"Your staying the night right"
"Yeah im going to set an alarm to go back to my own room in case Tooney decides to pick me up for breakfast"
Leah lay down and pulled her girlfriend with her. Alessia lay her head on Leah's stomach and Leah started to play with her hair.
"Have you tought what to do with your contract at Man United?l
"Well right now i don't want to talk about it, i want to enjoy the alone time with my girlfriend before she gets pulled in captain duties and we have to act like friends"
Leah kept playing with Alessia's hair and had one hand on her arm that was wrapped around Leah's waist
"Okay babe no contract talk"

Alessia looked up at Leah and gave her a smile
"Thank you, you excited to play in your hometown?"
Leah's eyes lit up and nodded her head
"Yeah i am, and i have my friends and family there. I get to share the field with my girlfriend"
"Hopefully, if i am in the starting line up"
"Ofcourse you are Less"
Alessia hummed at Leah and closed her eyes, the feeling of Leah playing with her hair was making her sleepy
"Less stay awake babe, come on lets get ready for bed"
Alessia got out of bed with a push from Leah and got changed in a shirt that Leah had packed for the blonde. Leah was already in shorts and a shirt.
Alessia was the last to finish and locked the door and turned the lights off, leaving the nighstand light on. She made her way to the bed and climbed in behind Leah
Less set her alarm and turned the light from the nightstand off. Leah turned around so she could kiss Alessia goodnight
"Goodnight Less"
"Night beautiful, you want me to wake you when i leave?"
"Mmmhh y-yes please"
Leah kept her head on Alessia's chest and quickly fell asleep. Alessia wrapped an arm around her girlfriend and was asleep before she knew it.

Morning came and Alessia woke up from her alarm. She quickly turned her alarm off and turned back to Leah who was fast asleep.
Alessia tried to shake Leah awake
"Babe, wake up. Im going back to my room"
Leah didn't move and Alessia placed a kiss on her cheek. She decided to make her way to her own room and silently walked out. Once she was back in her own room she would send Leah a text to let her know where she was.
The rest of the week was filled with training and media and each night Alessia would sneak into Leah's room.


Yesterday the team drove to Milton Keynes for the first game of the Arnold Clark Cup, it also ment the team would stay in a hotel with roommates. Leah and Alessia couldn't share a room together and where a bit dissapointed about that. The team had breakfast, followed with a light training session and a team walk before getting ready to go to MK dome. Leah was beaming for the fact she was back home and would captain her team out in her hometown. Alessia couldn't help but smile. They both was starting and Alessia couldn't wait to see family that she last time saw during the christmas break. The team was out for warm ups and Leah was looking around the stadium
She spotted a few family members and gave them a wave. She was excited to see her cousin as she would bring the baby along.

The team stood ready in the tunnel to walk out with Leah and Alessia both in the starting line up. After the official things have been done, Leah did a team huddle talk and gave an extra motivation. Everyone high fived eachother and got the game going.
The game ended with a 4-0 win for England and a goal for Alessia. Leah was on her way to the family and friends section and made a beeline for the baby. She quickly grabbed it and held it against her. Alessia watched the whole thing in awe and waved to Leah's grandparents who she had met a few times.
She made her way to the section as a few of her family members was not so far from the Williamson section. She greeted Leah's grandparents and cousin and smiled at the baby and gave it a tiny tickle.
"God she grew a lot since the last time i saw her"
Leah watched it all with a smile on her face
"I know, and i saw her a few more times after you"
Alessia said goodbye to everyone and walked to her own family, she didn't want to linger to long for fans to start to investigate. Nobody besides there families knew about them together and they both wanted to keep it like that for now.
They did there media duties before making it back to the bus and back to the hotel.
Alessia and Leah texted eachother before they said goodnight and fell asleep.
The next few days back at SGP was the same, training, media duties and sneaking into Leah's bedroom.

Night before the game against Italy

Alessia had gone to Leah's room, making sure nobody saw her. She knocked and waited till Leah opened.
She walked inside and made her way to the bed without greeting her girlfriend.
"Lee i think i wanna tell someone about us, its getting harder for me to lie to Tooney all the time"
Leah who made her way to the bed sat down next to Less and wrapped an arm around her.
"I know, i feel the same. Alex knows there is something. Last week at the Brits when we texted a few times she caught me with a smile on my face and she asked me who got me smiling like that. I said no one, and she went like Lee come on you can tell me its me. Then she got worried that i was seeing Jordan again and i was scared to tell her. I had to reasure her its not Jordan"
Alessia rested her head on Leah's shoulder
"God that picture you send me, tooney was asking me why i was turning red. I had to come up with an excuse that i clicked on something wrong"
Alessia sighed
"Lee can't we tell Alex and Ella, they are our best friends and i dont know how long i can keep it from them"
Leah was rubbing Alessia's arms
"Tell you what tomorrow after the game we get Georgia, Keira, Mary and Ella in my room or yours. We tell them together and when they leave we call Alex on facetime and tell her as well. If that goes good we can maybe slowly tell the team"
Alessia lifted her head up to look at Leah
"I would like that, but can we keep it off insta, i mean as much as i want to show you off that your mine, i don't want the outside world to know. Just our teammates"
"I feel the same Less. I want to keep that part of my life private"
Alessia smiled at Leah and felt herself relax
"Glad we feel the same"

Alessia leaned into Leah and kissed her, she pushed Leah down on the bed and kept kissing her till air became a problem.
Both girls got lost in eachothers eyes
Alessia was the first to break the spell and got off the bed.
"Let's get ready for bed, we got a game tomorrow"
Alessia held her hand out for Leah to get up. They both got changed and finished up in the bathroom. Leah locked the door and made her way to the bed. Alessia was waiting for her girlfriend to join her. Leah cuddle into Alessia who wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. They both fell asleep quickly. Before they knew it Alessia her alarm was going off.
"Lee i gotta get up babe"
Leah cuddled further into her
"Mmm love you"
Alessia froze up, she didn't know if she heared it right. It was the first time the L word was being said between you two. Alessia wanted to say it back but she also knew Leah was asleep and she wasn't sure if she ment it.
With a bit of a struggle Alessia slipped out of Leah's bed without waking the sleeping defender. She made it back to her own room and texted Leah like she did every morning when she left.

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