Game time

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Okay so i literally wrote this in an hour after i saw the video and the pictures.
Again english isn't my first language, sorry for any mistakes
Thank you to everyone who has been liking, commenting and voting on my stories
I really appreciate it as this is something is sometimes do for fun to take my mind of the reality, from the bottom of my heart thank you ❤️


Today you was gonna join Leah on a few appointments she had. You both had the day off only for Leah to have a few things planned that only would take half a morning.
She was going to take you out for breakfast at your favourite place in St Albans before you two was heading off to London. The drive to the cafe wasn't far, but leah wanted to take the car to London as after you was finished she would drive to Milton Keynes.

Walking into your favourite place you took a seat at your booth that usualy was free whenever you got there. One time you told Leah you tought they kept a reserve plate on the table just for the two of you as it was always free. Leah had laughed at that and told you she wasn't suprised if it was.

"Hey there are my favourite ladies" one of the employees who worked there since before the two of you got there together came to your table. "Hey Kelly, how are you? How's the little one?" You greeted the staff member. "Good good,yeah he is great not so little anymore haha. He only wants to wear the Arsenal jersey you got him. How are you two?" Leah smiled at the mention of the Arsenal jersey that she arranged for Kelly's son for his birthday. "Love that, he's gonna be a proper gooner lad if it's up to me. Yeah we are good, hanging out all day with the misses is always a great day" You smiled at Leah, everyone who knew you two from your circle knew how much you two loved eachother and how much you enjoyed spending time together. You never got bored with eachother. You would spend the whole day together and still miss eachother whenever one of you went away for an hour.
The two of you get teased a lot about it from your friends and Leah's teammates.
"Got any plans? You guys want the usual?"
"Leah has to film something for a videogame challenge, and she has been asked to visit a school class. Then do a little shopping and drive back to Milton Keynes for a family dinner" Leah already had agreed on your usual order. "Sounds like a fun day, i will get you your drinks"
Kelly smiled before walking off to prepare a hot chocolate and a cappucino for you both. When she was working she made sure to pop a little foam art into your drinks, and managed to make a standard hot chocolate for Leah into an exclusive one.

The two of you made small talk until your food would arrive when out of your corners eye you spot a little shy girl standing a few feet away from Leah. The mum quickly walked up to her and wanted to take her back to the table "mummy that is Leah from England" she tried to whisper to her mum
Leah turned to look when she heared her name and smiled at the little girl who was wearing a lionesses fanshirt.
"You got a cool shirt there" leah smiled at the little girl. The girl got shy and hid behind her mum "Sorry about her, she saw you and practicaly run off before we knew where she went to. You are her favourite player. I bet everyone tells you this who see's you haha but you really are"
"No worries, i am always honoured to hear i am someones favourite player"
Leah who smiled at the girl who came out of hiding turned the attention to her "Did you watch all the games then?"
The little girls eyes got wide and she got excited "my daddy took me to a few games, i was in the big stadiums"
You was watching the interaction with love in your eyes. Leah took a picture with the girl and signed a napkin for her.
The mum apologized again and went back to her husband.
Meanwhile your food arrived and you started to eat
"You know i love seeing you interact with kids, even a shy girl you get to open up about football" Leah finished a piece of toast "it's the way how to approach them, this is a moment that while last for a long time for her. I know how i felt when i was that age and meeting my favourite players"
You nodded at Leah, you loved hearing her stories about meeting her childhood favourites no matter how many times you heared them.

Leah payed for breakfast and the two of you said goodbye to the staff and made your way to the car.
Leah set up her navigation and started the drive towards London
You scrolled trough the many playlists Leah had on Spotify and settled on the one she labelled My Love❤️
It was songs that reminded her of you, or your favourite songs together, songs that held a special meaning towards you both.
Leah was holding your hand and hummed along the songs
Your smile grew as you heared the tunes of your song together

Leah sang along to the song as you did as well. This song ment a lot to the two of you. The lyrics fitted the both of you very well.
You both was going trough memory lane and had a big smile on your faces.
Leah squeezed your hand when the song ended "hearing this song reminds me so much of us, its been awhile since i heared it. But it always reminds me of how much i love you" you looked at leah and saw her eyes had welled up a bit just like yours
You whiped a tear away that was treating to fall "this will be song we will have our first dance as mrs and mrs at. No doubt in my mind about that"
Leah laughed at you
"Thats my tought exactly as well babe"
You both settled into a comfortable silence for the last few minutes of your drive

Leah parked the car and you both got out
And walked together to the entrance
Leah held the door open for you and you walked to the reception desk
"Hi i have an appointment with meta quest"
The lady typed something and got up from behind the desk
"Ms Williamson thank you for coming, i will bring you to the room they have you on"
"Leah is just fine and thank you" she politely smiled to the lady

You entered the room that had a nice set up, the camera's was already in position and a tv was on already. Leah introduced herself to the people in the room. "I brought my girl with me if that's alright" one if the guys nodded his head "no it's perfectly fine, she can sit over here so she has the best view of whats going on"
You had shake hands with a few guys and took Leah's jacket to the chair you could sit at. The guy explained to Leah what was going to happen and how everything had to plan out.
You quickly snapped a few pictures when they adjusted the VR goggles. You send it to
Alex "mate be prepared, she is keen to beat you 😎"
Alex who replied back inmidiatly "can't wait too see this. Miss you two 😔"
"We miss you to Al, not long to go now before you come home. Send us a day that fits for you so we can hang out and catch up"
"Will do y/n/n give my love to Leah 😘"
You locked your phone and looked back to the scene in front of you
Leah was ready for gametime.

During the filming of the game that Leah got challenged into one of the guys had leaned into you "is she always so competitive?" You laughed at him "oh she is mate, on the pitch, of the pitch. You should see her with scrabble" The guy laughed at you "well we actually love that, as those kind of videos turn out the best"
"Oh trust me she will give her all into it"

The filming was done and you had snapped a few pictures and videos. Leah took her jacket from you and thanked everyone for having her. The crew thanked you both and said there goodbyes.
Walking back to the reception "that was so much fun, we should buy Jacob one for Christmas" you smiled at Leah and waved by to the lady from the reception
"It looked so funny from my point of view" and you showed Leah the videos you took. You also told her what Alex texted.
Leah opened the car door for you and you slid in putting your seatbelt on. "Such a gentle women" Leah got into the car and set a destination for the shopping center "only for you my love" she kissed you on the cheek and pulled her car out of the parking space.

You two had a quick bite to eat and spend the afternoon buying christmas presents.
You got back to the car as you had to go to Milton Keynes for a family dinner that was organised at a hotel.

GQ - Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now