"What?" I asked, confused because I don't understand him.

"I want to work with you," he assured.

"I think you have to talk a bit more casually first," I addressed.

"Am I being overly formal?" he asked, absolutely unaware of his formality.

"You're talking like a prince man," I said, knowing very well what I did there.

He froze for a moment. "Ay oh, what prince?" he suddenly said, shocking me. It's obvious he was trying to sound casual and say slangs as his 'ayo' sounded very forced.

I chuckled. "I'll stay home with you tomorrow and teach you how to be more of a country boy. We can start training today." We lived close to the country, so the best thing I could say to him is that we have a country's lifestyle. He is kind of like a big city not anyway so we have to change that.

"I am a country boy," he lied.

"You can't fool me bro. It's obvious you come from some high class family in a big city." He opened his mouth, in an attempt of saying something, but quickly shut it in a straight line. "So let's do the first thing. I want you to scream."

He was obviously left shook. "I cannot do that."

"And that is the exact reason why I want you to scream." I grinned. "It's okay. Just copy me." And with that, I screamed loudly. He jumped at my action, eyes widening.

"What are you doing?!"

"Screaming." I grinned. "Now copy me."

He looked at the door for a moment, making sure my parents won't come barging in here. He then looked at me, took a deep breath and screamed a tiny scream with no emotions. He literally just said "aaah".

"Good job!" I exclaimed happily and clapped. It wasn't the best, but he tried. "Now I want you to it again but higher and show emotions. Close your eyes and take out all your anger."

"I am forbidden to be in rage or show emotions," he stated, making me frown.

"You're allowed to show anger here. Everyone gets angry and you no longer have to worry about that. Now scream and take out all anger you have been hiding."

He sighed and closed his eyes before screaming. It was higher than before and more affectionate, but still not the best. "Good job! That was much better!" I smiled and clapped. "Now disrespect me." I knew that he wouldn't actually tell me 'Why would I listen to you hoe?' or something but would just loosen up his formality, which was what I wanted.

"You are one ugly ass bitch," he said leaving my jaw open and hanging.

"I- umm meant that you should stop being so formal. I didn't expect you to actually know how to disrespect someone that much. Where did you learn that from?"

He giggled cutely. "I have learned from the best, miss Y/N."

"I have said that?" I asked. I don't remember saying that in front of him. I wouldn't say it to my parents and I haven't went out with him.

"You have said that to me today." I gasped. Oh.

"Okay I want you to be a bit informal."

"What do you mean? I am completely informal babe. Ain't I giving?" he said, once again leaving my jaw hanging.

"Did you take slang classes or something?!"


"Then what? Acting classes?"

"Correct," he confirmed. Acting classes.. he's a hard one.

"So that means you'll be able to work without getting suspected as Kim Namjoon, the prince?" He nodded. "But.. I think you need a make over."

"A make over?" His eyes widened.

"I'm giving you a new hair style. Let's go!"

✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧

I never knew Namjoon was this pretty. Yes, I've seen him for a few days but I've never had a close look at his face. Like I mentioned before, his skin is no joke. Apart from that, his hair is super soft. Now that I'm cutting and coloring his hair I'm getting a closer look at him. He's gorgeous, not gonna lie, and his newly cut purple colored mullet is just making him even more gorgeous. The color fits him so much and the undercut makes him absolutely hot.

"You look a lot different now. I don't think anyone will suspect you," I said, giving him a mirror.

"Wow," he uttered, looking at himself.

"Wow indeed. You're fucking gorgeous man." He looked at me, chuckling at my compliment. "Did I ever mention how beautiful your eyes are?"

"What is the reason you are so flirty for?" he suddenly asked, giving me second hand embarrassment.

"Sorry, I was just telling you that you are eyes are pretty. Am I not allowed to do that to my friend without it being a flirt?" I addressed, rolling my eyes.

"Friend? Are we considered friends?"

"I think so. Do you think we're friends?" I asked, making him nod. "Alright your make over is all done and it's late. We should sleep." I had anyway showered, dried and styled his hair. "We have work tomorrow, remember?" He nodded.

We both made our night routine and went to bed. My parents still haven't seen Namjoon after the make over, but I'm sure they'd be very surprised.

Tomorrow will be Namjoon's first day of work. Let's hope he spills some tea for me.

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