Shy Hunter x Female Top Reader 🍋

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(disclaimer: ⚠️ THIS HAS SEXUAL THEMES, INCLUDING PROFANITY. DON'T LIKE THAT? DON'T READ. see u in the next chapter, then! :) ⚠️ both hunter and the reader are 18+, so let's get smutty 🌚)

Y/n's POV

Ever since Hunter turned eighteen, Camila found out that he still wasn't educated about the nasty, even at eighteen years old... so she had the birds and bees talk with him, and he wasn't the same after that. For example, every time he sees me, his face gets all flustered, his heartbeat becomes so strong that literally everyone can hear it, he gets sweaty and nervous... and I think I know why, but I won't jump to conclusions. But still, I miss being able to hug him without his face becoming crimson red and him pushing me away.

As I was thinking about this while eating this human thing called Cocoa Puffs, I wondered what I should do to make Hunter feel comfortable again... speaking of him, where is he?


I turned my head around in the direction of sound, and saw Hunter trying to close the cabinet without making any noise, a box of Cocoas Puffs in hand. Oh, that's where he is.

"G'morning Hunter!" I greeted him with a smile, getting off my chair and walking towards him to kiss him on the cheek. His eyes widened and his adorable face turned very pink.

"GOODMORNINGY/NJUSTGONNAPUTTHISBACKOKAYBYE!" (translation: GOOD MORNING Y/N JUST GONNA PUT THIS BACK OKAY BYE!) He shouted a jumble of words anxiously, immediately put the Cocoa Puffs back in the cabinet, and ran to another room... or at least tried to.

He slipped on a convenient banana peel. However, since I was chasing after him, I caught him before he could hit the floor. "Hunter, look where you're going next time, would ya?" I said, followed by a chuckle, pulling him back up onto his feet and kissing him. However, when I kissed him, his face was literally Amity's tomato face back in the Hexside days. Those days were awesome.

Hunter's POV

When she kissed me, I froze up, not knowing where to go or what to do. She pulled back, laughing at me. I'm pretty sure it's because of my blushing face... I know my face is blush-y because it feels very hot. I don't know why, but ever since Camila taught me about... th-that... I couldn't get my mind in control, it would either always be thinking about Y/n in specific... scenarios... or I would just be hanging out with Y/n, and whatever tiny, innocent thing she did, my mind would convert that into something... not innocent... I could feel my face somehow getting hotter.

"Sunflower, why have you been so nervous lately?" Y/n asked me in her soothingly sweet voice. That's how I knew she was genuinely concerned about me.

"I- uh- nervous? Ha! I'm not nervous at- at all!" I said, trying to sound fine. I left Y/n's grasp and sat on the nearest couch, grabbed the nearest pillow, and screamed into it. Y/n sat down next to me.

"You're nervous." She said. I could tell she was smiling. "I know..." I mumbled into the pillow. "Sunflower, I can't understand you when you're burying your head in the cushion, look at me." She gently grabbed my head, lifted it up from the pillow, and then she put both of her soft hands on my cheeks, gently lifting my face up so I could look at her. I still avoided eye contact.

"Titan, you're sweaty. Why are you so nervous?"

"I- well- I'm just- It's just really hot out! Yeah!"

"Hunter, stop lying to me. Also, it's winter."

"I knew that..."

"Hunter, please tell me why you're nervous all of the time."

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