When Azriel first heard Xander playing the piano he got lost in the melody. It was like the music was tugging at him to let loose of himself. It was like a song of siren luring sailors to their death. But it was the song of his own siren luring him into Xander's heart.

He took hold of Xander's soft callused hands. Xander looked up at him. His new golden eyes reflected the fire all around them. Making it look like molten embers. He wiped away the tears of Xander.
"Let it go, my love. Let it all go."

Azriel drifted into sleep dreaming of his mate.

When he woke up there wasn't much for him do these days. Rhys forbade him from doing any work even though he insisted that he was totally fine. He was a little disappointed when he found that Xander had his breakfast earlier and he was now practising his demati abilities with Rhys.

Azriel took a trip visit to Madja and got checked up again. "It's the brother, isn't he?" Madja asked him. Azriel raised his eyebrows. "Your mate," Madja whispered. "How do you know that?" Azriel asked her. Was he that obvious? "I have been alive for a long time Azriel. And that boy healed you with magic when he didn't even know how to use it properly, if that doesn't say enough, whole of Velaris is talking about both of your display near Sidra," Madja told him. Azriel didn't say anything. So many people has already knew that they were mates. How long till Xander figures it out? What would happen when he figures it out? Azriel was afraid. Afraid of both the possibilities. He was afraid of Xander accepting the bond and he was afraid of Xander rejecting the bond.

He hadn't heard anything about two male lovers with mating bond. Even the high lord of dawn didn't have mating bond with his commander and lover. But Azriel did. He has a mate in there struggling and suffering to get used to the new world he was thrust upon. He didn't want to add more pressure to him by thrusting the mating bond into him.

But he couldn't just shrug of the mutual attraction. With a slight brush of Xander's ass against him, his whole being crumbled. His cock became rock and he ravaged Xander like a wild beast freed from its shackle for the first time in years. Xander was his own aphrodisiac. His own poison he craves. He strolled around Velaris aimlessly only thinking about his mate.

When he reached the other side he looked at the carnage his mate has caused. The restaurant was no more than abandoned, ashen building. There was no grass, no trees around it. Only ash. He made his way around the street of artist and looked around all the music sheets. He plucked a few and paid for them. He must do something for Xander to get back to playing music again.

Soon the evening rolled in. Azriel hadn't seen Xander whole day. He only felt a slight panic in the earlier afternoon and it was subdued quickly. He was looking forward to dinner. He was looking forward to see Xander.

Azriel felt him before Xander even placed his foot inside the dining room. The scent of honey and mint filled his senses. He didn't know why he was behaving like a horny dog these days but he wasn't the only one. When Xander took his usual seat near Azriel. He saw Xander's adjusting his black slacks. So that his hard cock would be hidden from the others. But what he didn't know was that everyone present there could smell his arousal. Azriel slammed a shield around both of them and soaked in his mate's arousal. Rhys rolled his eyes subtly.

The usual conversation flowed around the table. Azriel sat back in his seat and observed everyone as usual. He noticed how little Xander was eating these days. With using his new powers he must have had one hell of an appetite. But he only ate bits and scraps from his plate. Even though his face was brighter than when he was a human. His eyes and cheeks were a little hollowed. His muscle mass reduced. Azriel knew Xander ate a lot back when he was a human. He first hand saw that. Now he was eating like a squirrel.

"Who is Ianthe?" Xander asked them out of no where. Mor swore when he heard that wretched name. Whole table became silent. It was Amren who answered his question in a calm and collected tone. "She is a high priestess of spring court. She escaped when Amarantha begun her rule and came back to spring court after her death. Tamlin welcomed her with open arms," she told him. Circling her wine glass with her forefinger. "She is a whore," Cassian said from his seat plucking the word right from Azriel's mind. Xander scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "You said she is a priestess. Doesn't priestess are supposed to be good?" He asked him. "Yes they are. But Ianthe didn't want anything other a than babe pumped into her cunt by some high lord," Cassian explained disgust lacing his tone. He jerked his head towards Rhys. "Has she ever......?" Xander questioned him not completing the sentence. But he didn't have to. "She wishes," Rhys told him. "Not only him Azriel too," Amren told him. She knew what she was doing. She was testing Xander. She was trying to see if he would react.

Xander turned to Azriel. Azriel only nodded his head once. Something in Xander's eyes flashed. Was it jealousy or perhaps anger? Azriel didn't know exactly what it was. He turned towards the table. "Is she still in spring court?" He asked them. "So far," Rhys told him. "Good," Xander murmured.

"She is the one who sold us out," he said more so to himself. "She is the one who sold out my sisters. I have a long list of people to kill. But Ianthe is going to be the first one. If Feyre didn't kill her first that is. If Feyre didn't, I will very much enjoy destroying her nerve by nerve."

It wasn't his confession that stunned the table it was utter calmness and steadiness in his voice that rendered them speechless. There was no flashing of golden eyes. There was no accidental shattering of mental shield. There was no raging wildfire. Complete and absolute control. That is what he is right now. A calm before storm. A storm that was going to rattle pyrithian.

Azriel caught Rhys's eyes across the table. His talons scraped his shield. He lowered it enough for Rhys to speak.
Distract him.
The words rang in his head. Azriel nodded once. "How was training today?" Az asked him. Xander's grey eyes twinkled as he looked up at him. "It was very good. I can do it correctly now," Xander said with a happy tone that made Azriel's shadows leap onto Xander's shoulders.

"Why don't you show them?" Rhys tilted his head towards Cassian. A smile crossed Xander's face as he tilted his head to left side. He looked like a cruel, cunning high fae.
"Mother's tits," Cassian swore loudly and jumped in his seat. Rhys and Xander bursted out laughing. "A dagger. A mother fucking dagger. And was that sound effect really necessary?" Cassian asked him from his seat. Azriel looked confused. He looked at Xander.

Show me.

The word slipped down the half clicked mating bond before he could stop it. Xander turned his head towards him. That's when he felt it. A dagger. Not just any dagger. Truth teller. His truth teller. He felt the dagger poking the mental shield of shadows. If Xander wanted, he could have tore through the shadows easily, him waiting for Azriel to drop it showed the level control he has now.

Azriel lowered his shadows and the dagger slipped in.
You chose truth teller? Why?
Azriel voice echoed in his own head.
Do you need a long answer or a short answer shadow singer?
There is the Xander I adore.
Xander's chuckle vibrated throughout his body.
A short one would be suffice. For now.
Well that dagger was a promise. And I am particularly fond of its owner too.

He said as he caressed the shadows with the tip of dagger. The sensation felt very intimate. Fucking hell. For cauldron's sake it was a dagger. He shouldn't be turned on by the touch of dagger. But he was.

A very clear image of Xander tied to the headboard with his shadows and Azriel kissing down his body was slammed into his head. Azriel hissed as his cock twitched in his pants.

You little minx.

This caused to Xander laugh out loud. His laughter shook the whole table. Thank the mother he had a sense to slam a shield around them. Because right now the only thing Azriel could smell is the sweet scent of Xander's arousal and his own.

Mor looked between both of them like they were alien creatures. "Mother there is four of them," she said, referring to Rhys and Feyre's constant flirting in their minds. Azriel didn't miss the sadness that ghosted over Rhys's face for a second. Soon it was replaced by fondness for Xander.

"We can practice same time tomorrow," Rhys told him as they sat around sipping wine. "Oh come on. Let me sleep while I can. We can meet by 9," Xander groaned. "7.30," Rhys told him. "8.30," Xander argued. "8.00," Rhys offered. "8.30," Xander stood his ground. "Fine," Rhys huffed. Azriel's lip twitched up. His mate is a wonderful person......

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