Y/n: "Koneko don't worry dear this is Mélusine a transfer she is going to be going to our school."

3rd Pov:

Koneko felt threatened by Mélusine she gets the feeling fight, flight or freeze.

Mélusine: "Seem scared don't worry kid I don't hurt toddlers."

Koneko: "I'm not a toddler and besides I can face you."

Mélusine: "And lose but don't worry Y/n won't need to watch this one-man slaughter."

Koneko was ready to get in a fight with Mélusine, but she kept on drinking her coffee and ate her pastry.

Mélusine: "What I been trying to say is that no matter what you, can't beat me even, at your best sorry dear."

Koneko was getting more and more annoyed and was about to throw the first punch.

Mélusine: "The moment you do that you will regret it."

Mélusine gave her a dead eye look, just ready to kill if need be.

Y/n: "Oh you two stop it now this is no good for you. It does bad for the skin and your health."

As they hear Y/n's words they stop, and just go back to their normal basics.

Y/n: "Now you two let's make this more fun, tell me why you are here Koneko. Is it because the cafe is great?"

Koneko: "I did hear it was great, and so I went to check it out."

Y/n: "And you would be right dear, this place is a amazing place, nice food nice manger and so on."

Koneko: "You've been here?"

Y/n: "You can say that this place is nice overall. Anyways time to head to school, hope you two get along."

Koneko: "By the way, nugget why do you have armor?"

Mélusine: "Ever heard of not sticking your noise into someone's life. Heard it's pretty nice and you don't get told off much."

Y/n: "She can cosplay as a cute little knight."

Mélusine does not respond to it just left it be.

Y/n: "Come you two we got things to do."

They get up and Mélusine grabbing her snack, she eats it whole like a cartoon character. Koneko went ahead of them while Y/n and Mélusine started talking.

Mélusine: "Master should I call you master still or call you by your name?"

Y/n: "While I don't mind being on top of things, call me Y/n and people would get the wrong ideal, so call me Y/n while we are around others, okay dear."

Mélusine nodding and walks beside Y/n. After a few minutes they made it to the school.

Y/n: "For now on Mélusine you will be a student here with your other fellow servant I've summoned."

Mélusine: "Really I can handle without her."

Y/n: "You need her no matter what Mélusine, you might not know it, but you even get the feeling she will be helpful."

Mélusine not saying a word again, and just let's it go. They made it to the school everyone was enjoying themselves like any other normal day. Y/n spots something wrong, she sees Kiba not at the school.

Y/n: "Koneko were did Kiba go?"

Koneko filches at the words.

Koneko: "He well um ran away."

The strange teacher (DxD X OP fem reader Kiara)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora